(no subject)

Apr 17, 2005 19:16

I haven't posted in months, people probably don't even care. I don't really know why I am posting now, but that I am just exhausted and finding reasons not to have to walk 20 feet to the couch.

I worked 48 straight hours this week, well with sleep at night. My feet are throbbing, and my back isn't happy either. But work means money. I just hope things keep up like they are, so we can get this house we are thinking about, or maybe move out of this hole known as Phoenix. Brian and I both think it is time to hit the road. But buying a home here would be at least 2 years more of the valley. I could do it though if the house will be worth $300,000 and we can go to the mountains.

Lets see what else is new, my little one is now nearly 3 months. Way to active for his own good, and made at me for working so much. But I am off tomorow, so we can have so tv time together. I love the little guy, he likes his daddy too. Okay that is that for me. The DVR is calling my name with Dawson's Creek and CIS to watch.
OBTW, excited to have my Harry Potter year 6 heading my way soon!!
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