5 Ways To Receive God’s Mercy

Aug 08, 2024 22:57

Lord Jesus, you are God. You delight in mercy. I have made mistakes. I’ve committed sins. Some consequences may come my way, but I trust you, Lord. Number one, because of your grace, I’m forgiven. Because of your grace, I receive undeserved favor, but also thank you for your mercy. Because of your mercy, I don’t receive deserved judgment, so thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.

1. Be Merciful

It’s about acknowledging that we are all flawed and capable of erring while upholding God’s standards.

2. Faith!

This act of faith, calling out to God when we’re at our lowest, brings us to a crossroads where we can either cower in shame or embrace the belief that God is merciful. It allows us to believe that, despite our mistakes, God will withhold the negative consequences we may deserve and change our circumstances for the better.

3. Humility

Humility is defined as one’s dependence and need for God. True humility lies not in our resumes or worldly accomplishments but in recognizing our continual need for God’s grace and mercy.

4. Praise & Worship

This powerful act of faith is something we should emulate, not only during church services but also in our personal lives. Even if it’s just 30 seconds a day, embracing worship and praise can dramatically shift our spiritual lives and put us directly in the overflow of God’s mercy. It can be a simple singing to God in a quiet room, a walk in the park, or any situation where you can express your devotion. Embrace your faith, remember God’s mercy, and praise Him regardless of the circumstances.

5. Giving
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