
Feb 09, 2006 13:44

So last night at the gym, I was running on the treadmill. When there is no one waiting for a machine, I run 40 minutes even though the posted limit is 30 minutes. Yesterday, when I was at 30 minutes and counting, this guy comes into the room. Let me describe him for you. Physically, he is small, skinny, compact, white as parchment, with pale hair ( Read more... )

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audiogeek February 9 2006, 20:27:35 UTC
I generally avoid many confrontations, but words can and do hurt, no matter who says them. I'm had the X (being some I was supposedly in love with, and just atleast trusted) tell me stuff that I'm pretty certain she meant no harm by, but the way she said them was very confrontational and made me feel very bad. This was one reason why I left her.

I do have one sorta funny confrontation. I once was in quite a rush, but was in a good mood. I pulled into the parking lot of my favorite coffee shop, and parked next to another car. Both cars were technically parked 'OK', but we both parked close to the line. He parked close to the left line, and I parked close to the right line... thus he didn't have much room to get in his car. When I came back out, he started yelling at me for parking so close, and that he spilled most of his coffee because of this. I looked at him and said something along the lines of "I'm very sorry, I'll gladly buy you another cup of coffee". This took him for such a trip that he had no response. He just looked totally stunned why searching for a come back, and eventually just got in his car and drove away. Most people don't expect you to be so nice when they are being so rude to you. Unfortunately you found the one major excetion in the form of some small wimpy idiot.

oh... and you are actually a happy, generous bitch. :)


tummies February 9 2006, 21:31:46 UTC
Yyyyes! It is like Yoda taking the begative Sith energy and absorbing it, then pushing it back in a different form. People who act out of anger and misery expect everyone else to act out of anger and misery, and they don't know what on earth to do when you respond with civility and kindness.

Thank you everybuggy! I am a happy bitch, happy bitch :)


tummies February 9 2006, 21:35:44 UTC
HAAAAAAA I said "begative"


aaaaaames February 9 2006, 21:37:07 UTC
was that a reference to the classic children's magazine Cricket?

or is that just wishful thinking on my part?


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