Title: Drowning
Time Taken: 30 minutes
Pairing: Aoi/Uruha
Music: Fairyland - Ayumi Hamasaki
Summary: Ever get that feeling that you’re submerged, slowly drowning, but not from water?
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Ever get that feeling that you're submerged, slowly drowning, but not from water? From some other force? That something else is out there, pulling you into its depths until you can no longer breathe and soon enough you float back up to the surface, portraying the dead man's float? Never before had I felt this sort of feeling before. Well...
... Not until you came along and were dropped into my life.
The feeling never came at first, oh no. You only created a puddle that I could step right in and over, not bothering to worry about it since it held no way of bringing me down. Years- they past, rapidly I might add. And that puddle continued to grow until I was walking in an ankle high amount of emotion.
It didn't affect me that greatly as I still walked through it with no problem, only letting it soak my feet day and night.
More years pass and that ankle amount soon grew to an amount coming up to my knees. It grew still, this time more rapidly than ever before. It wasn't too long until I felt it finally up to my waist. It made it harder to get through my daily routine as I pushed my way through the increasing height of my feelings for you. All that emotion...
... It eventually came up to my shoulders, making my progress through life barely bearable when you weren't around. I knew something needed to be done before I perished in my own emotions. Did I ever do anything to help myself?
No. I didn't. And I would regret it.
Eventually it became too much- the level slowly beginning to rise above my chin, slowly covering my mouth, nose and eyes- and soon, my entire being. I gasped for breath, finding there was no way I could survive now. I hadn't acted and now it was becoming too late to save me. Opening my mouth for one last attempt at breathing, all I got was the salty taste of regret before my mind dipped into an unconscious state altogether and I began to sink into the pool of emotions I refused to let drain out.
I felt your grasp on my arm, pulling me back to reality; pulling me back to my senses; pulling me back to live. I wasn't wet, I wasn't in danger of dying, I wasn't about to be left alone in my time of need. The salt I had tasted was my own tears, streaming down my face in waves, landing inside my mouth. I had licked my lips slightly, making the notion of speaking until you stopped me, requesting I make no noise at all.
Suddenly the pool started to drain, all the emotion around me being swept away, all hopes and dreams being left behind to flourish. As quickly as it disappeared, it came crashing back in the form of a large wave, slamming into the both of us.
Your lips against mine- that's what caused the wave to come back and crash into us. It's what made it recede, but come back seconds later to slam into us once again, refueling the passion within me, and probably within you too.
It wasn't out to kill anymore. It was out to please. To flood the good feelings and emotions into us. To show us just what we were missing in our lives.
At least it did this for me.
I had begun to drown in my own sea of emotions, sinking towards the bottom with no hope in sight.
Then there you were. You saved me.
You were my lifeguard.
My special honey blonde lifeguard.