Midnight (Chapter ??)

Nov 10, 2009 13:39

Title: Midnight
Type of Story: AU / Multi-chapter
Chapter: ??/??
Author: Tornup_memories
Pairing: ReitaxRuki, AoixUruha, AoixReita (Implied)
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and blood
Disclaimer: -checks record- Nope, I don't own them.
Beta: Unbeta'd (I REALLY just wanted to get this posted)
Summary: Ruki's life has been full of interesting moments. At least it has recently. His best friend is a vampire. They both are being hunted by a crusnik and a feline-demon. When Reita is taken captive, and controlled, Ruki- joined up with Kai, a vegetarian vampire- have to go and save him.
Notes: -see the bottom for details-

The moon shone brightly as Ruki clung to Kai for dear life, the elder rushing his way back into the city. The wind whipped Ruki’s hair back, the chibi trying to recall where the townhouse they were looking for was. Why did he have to go back here? The home of that monster and his feline-demon apprentice. Ruki never wanted to return to that building, the memories of the fight within flooding back to him. Seeing Reita that way, would he change into that again? What if he got there too late to save him? Would Aoi kill Reita before Ruki showed back up? All these thoughts were making Ruki’s head spin, the wind rushing by as well as the scenery not helping him in the least.

Kai came to a stop, turning his head this way and that, as if trying to see something. “Ruki… I need help knowing where I’m going exactly.” Ruki attempted to remember how to get there, only remembering the walk back since he was mind controlled the first time he was brought- more like lured- there. Ruki noticed what part of town they were in, and was able to determine which way to go. He pointed to the west; Kai nodded and headed off in that direction.

The townhouse came into view, and Ruki swallowed, finding his throat slowly going dry. The building had remained unchanged since he had last seen it. Closer and closer it got until both him and Kai stood before it. At its height it blocked the light of the moon, making it even more eerie than normal. Ruki clung to Kai’s arm, not knowing if he really wanted to step foot inside. He had to in order to save Reita though, and that was why he made Kai bringing him here in the first place. Kai brought Ruki right up to the door, attempting to get him arm away from Ruki. “Ruki… please let go. We’re not entering like one normally would.” Ruki just nodded, releasing his grip on Kai.

With one swift movement, Kai kicked the door, knocking it from its hinges, watching it collapse to the ground. Behind the door was pure darkness, no light seemed to be on in the room they were entering. Kai entered first, Ruki right at his heels making sure he was as close as possible. Without Reita there, he was fully vulnerable to the two that lived inside, not knowing for himself how strong Kai really was.

The inside was quiet, as if no one was home at all. The only sound came from the beating of Ruki’s own heart mixed with his and Kai’s breathing. Ruki waited to be ambushed, thinking that was what Aoi and Uruha had up their sleeves. But after a few minutes of not moving and not speaking, nothing happened, and Kai was assured that nothing would happened, while Ruki thought the complete opposite. “Ruki, I don’t think anyone is home. Are you sure the person you saw take off with Reita was this Uruha you mentioned? The feline-demon?” Ruki just nodded his head, only getting to do just that as a voice picked up behind him.

“It’s very rude to kick in the front door to someone’s home. Especially not before knocking.” Ruki froze, the hairs on the back of his neck standing straight up. He remembered that voice, all too well. He didn’t dare turn around to see those violet feline-like eyes staring at him. Kai on the other hand was curious as to who this was speaking to them, glancing the honey blonde out of the corner of his eye has he turned his head slightly in the attempt to see.

Kai had never before seen a feline-demon with his very eyes. They were indeed rare, and now with Uruha so close to them, Kai could only imagine what he could do to them. He had read that they were very agile, swift and quick, able to take down opponents with little to no effort. If Uruha’s intention was to kill them, couldn’t he have done it already? Kai watched the feline-demon come out from behind them, only to stand a few feet off from them to the right, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

“Aoi-shii will not be happy with either of you. But he will be glad of one thing though.” Uruha purred, causing Kai to glance over at him as if trying to show off some sort of warning to him- apparently Uruha didn’t get the message. The feline advanced on them, Ruki stepping back in fear, only to have Kai stand between him and Uruha.

“And what exactly will he be glad of?” Kai spoke up, knowing full well from what Reita had told him how dangerous these two were and just what Aoi was. Uruha just laughed slightly, about to answer Kai’s question when another voice spoke up before his.

“That Ruki has- once again- brought food to my door.” Kai’s head snapped in a different direction, his body suddenly feeling cold- colder than normal anyway- at the sight before him. It happened to be Aoi who had spoken up them, his eyes full of lust and greed, his tongue licking his lips slightly. “But you won’t be as much fun as the first vampire Ruki had brought here.”

At this statement Ruki’s heart sank a bit. Did that mean Reita was brought here but now he’s gone? Or was Aoi just making a general statement? He wanted it clarified as soon as possible and didn’t care whether it got him in trouble or not. What had happened to Reita?

“What did you do to Reita!?” he yelled out, earning to stern glare from Aoi. Uruha chuckled, mostly to himself as he slid over to Aoi’s side. Ruki wasn’t playing games with these two. He wanted to know what happened had to Reita, and he wanted to know now. His face became stern as he continued to stare at both Uruha and Aoi, smiles playing at both their lips.

“Calm down Shorty. We haven’t done anything to Reita…” Aoi added a small ‘yet’ to the end, but made it barely audible. Aoi’s nickname towards Ruki infuriated him, but he stood still in his spot, not finding the motivation to haul off and hit both Aoi and Uruha before going off to find Reita.

“Not like Reita would want to see you anyway.” Uruha purred. Ruki continued to stand there, not believing Uruha’s words. There was no way Reita wouldn’t want to see him. Silence began to hang in the air, the four within the room just there, almost like statues. The whole time Aoi kept his eyes fixed on Kai, as if trying to find out why his scent was slightly different to Reita’s.

Aoi turned to Uruha, whispering something in the feline’s ear, causing Uruha to smirk. A slight laugh escaped from the honey blonde before he slinked off, doing whatever Aoi had told him to do. In Kai’s head, everything was slowly coming together. Aoi had control over Uruha, having the feline-demon do tasks he wanted done, but Kai couldn’t place why the feline-demon respected Aoi as much as he did. He was broken from his thoughts when Aoi broke the silence between them.

“So, Ruki… introduce me to your new vampire friend.” Ruki just moved slightly, almost back to hiding behind Kai again. Silence began to clutter the room again, a sense of fear there as well.

“His name is Kai.” Aoi turned his head to the side, Ruki and Kai turning their attention there as well. Ruki’s eyes widened, filled with relief as he saw who stood there. Reita- he was still alive. Ruki couldn’t believe it. “He was a friend to my parents, and is still a friend of mine. Though, unlike me, he doesn’t hunt humans.” Aoi smiled at Reita’s words. No wonder Kai had smelled different to him. Kai was a ‘veggie’ vampire- a rare occurrence, but one that certainly brightened Aoi’s night. “He’s also not much of a threat towards you Aoi.”

Why was Reita spewing this entirely out to Aoi? It was making Ruki’s head spin to think about it. “Rei, what are you doing!?” Ruki yelled, attempting to knock some sense into Reita before the danger level escalated. All Reita did was look over, staring at Ruki with his pupil-less eyes. Ruki backed down, still afraid of the possibilities that Reita could turn on him. What was going on?

Uruha returned two wine glasses in hand. “Aoi-shii, I got what you asked for.” Uruha stated, coming up beside the raven-haired monster. Aoi took both glasses from Uruha, rewarding the feline nicely. Holding both glasses in one hand, he used the other to pull Uruha closer, placing his lips against the feline’s neck, giving it kisses before trailing them up past the jaw line and finally resting them on Uruha’s own.

The entire time, both Ruki and Kai kept their eyes on the substance in the glasses. At first it seemed like wine, but the way it moved around and how slow it actually did move, there was no way it was normal wine in the glasses. Reita seemed fascinated by it, giving the ultimate clue as to what it was exactly.

‘Blood. Human blood.’ Kai thought to himself. I couldn’t understand what Aoi would want with that. If his knowledge of crusniks was correct, they never feasted on human blood, nor did it benefit them in any way. So what were Aoi’s intensions with the glasses full of it that he held? Aoi pulled away from Uruha, the feline still leaning against him. Ruki’s eyes wandered, laying on Reita, watching his every move. Never once did Reita come over to him. Never once did Reita make any attempt to attack Aoi. Never once did Reita try to protect either him or Kai. And Ruki found it all confusing. This wasn’t like Reita at all. Something else was at work here.

“You did do something to Reita! Sure, you didn’t harm him physically, but you’re toying with him. You’re using him!” Ruki’s eyes then fell on Uruha. “You’re mind controlling him… like a puppet.” Silence followed the small outburst of Ruki, neither Aoi nor Uruha speaking up about Ruki’s guess of what was really going on. Reita’s gaze never left the glasses in Aoi’s hand, even during Ruki’s outburst, clarifying Ruki’s point even more.

Soon enough a smirk grew on Uruha’s face, making him resemble the Cheshire cat in many ways. “Silly human. I’m not controlling Reita. I was before yes, but not now. But you’re right on the dot with saying someone has control over him. It’s just not me.”

“What do you mean it’s not you!? You’re the only one who can-“ Ruki fell silent when Uruha started laughing. What was so funny about this situation? The answer wasn’t so much that the situation was funny, but instead Ruki’s answer was funny. The next thing hit Ruki like a brick.

“I'm not the only one. Power and control can be given to another being if they are more powerful than the one who gains control originally. And since Aoi is stronger than I am, control can be transferred over to him. So, it’s a good guess as to who has Reita under control now.” Uruha answered, still attached to Aoi, the black-haired crusnik smiling his well-known smile. The elder removed his arm from Uruha, placing one of the wine glasses in it before handing over the other one to Reita. The blond vampire took the glass- almost greedily- swirling the liquid around within it, making sure not to let it spill over the edge.

Ruki just stood there, his eyes wide. Aoi had the control now? Then that meant… he would play with Reita until the time was right. Then it was time for dinner- at least for Aoi. Kai didn’t move, still bewitched by the two in front of him and the way Ruki picked out a piece of the large puzzle that had them all baffled.

Reita rose the wine glass to his lips, tipping it ever so slightly, the drained human life disappearing behind his lips. Ruki’s body stood rigid, the sight sickening to his stomach. He knew it could be worse though. He could be witnessing a full attack, something that would really get his stomach churning. It didn’t take long for the glass to be emptied, Uruha reaching around Aoi to take the glass from Reita, placing it on the table nearby.

Aoi’s smile had never faded from before and it actually seemed to be larger now. Everything for him was falling into place. “Uruha, I leave these two to you. I don’t think you should have any problem with them. You’ll also be able to have your dinner I had promised you so long ago.” Aoi referred to Ruki and how Uruha had been granted the human as his reward for bring Ruki and Reita to the townhouse for the first time. “As for you dear Reita…” Aoi reached out, bringing the blond vampire closer to him, tracing two of his fingers along Reita’s jaw line. Ruki could feel jealousy and anger building up within him.

“Keep your hands off of him!” Ruki blurted out, charging straight for Aoi. He came within feet of the crusnik before Uruha stood in the way, knocking the shorter to the floor with a simple side-swipe of his arm.

“And you keep your hand off of Aoi!” Uruha hissed, glaring down at the short blond boy. Just as Uruha made a notion to make another attack, Kai lunged at him, slamming right into Uruha’s side and sending them both tumbling to the floor. They both rolled around on the ground, trying to overcome each other, only to be equally matched. Lifting his head from the ground, ignoring the squabbling and fumbling around of Uruha and Kai, Ruki turned his head in the direction Aoi had been standing, only to find both him and Reita gone.

His eyes searched, knowing too well that Aoi was quick and so was Reita. They could both be gone now for all he knew. However, he caught a glimpse of a darkened shade of blonde heading down a hallway leading farther into the house. Jumping to his feet, Ruki rushed after it, only to be stopped again- this time getting slammed into by Kai as Uruha threw him off. Ruki groaned in pain as his back made sharp contact with the floor once more, Kai laid atop of him, attempting to gather his senses again. Claw poised, Uruha leapt at the pair, receiving a foot to the face as Kai did his best to protect not only himself, but Ruki as well.

‘While I’m gone, I want you to protect Ruki with your life- no matter what happens to me.’ Those words rang through Kai’s head- words only spoken to him by Reita. He knew how much Reita cherished Ruki, and keeping Ruki safe was Reita’s top priority. But now Kai knew it was his turn to be the guardian- not just to Ruki, but also to Reita. He rolled off Ruki, stumbling a bit to get back to his feet. His head was aching, obviously bruised from his multiple collisions to the floor while tumbling with Uruha.

His eyes closed only briefly, but it was long enough for Uruha to find himself a hiding place within the room. Kai’s head turned this way and that before he reached down and yanked Ruki back to his feet. “Let me take care of Uruha. You need to go find Reita before it’s too late and we lose him for good.” Kai whispered in Ruki’s ear, not knowing if Uruha actually overheard or not from his clever hiding spot. At the moment he didn’t care. Ruki only nodded, hesitating only briefly before running off as quick as he could.

Ruki heard a sound coming from behind him and he knew who it was. He didn’t stop to turn and look. He just kept running forward. Hoping to escape the fate he was staring down. Kai would help him though right? Kai had to help him. That was Reita’s command- no it was his wish- towards Kai, and Ruki knew it. The sound grew, getting louder and louder, covering up the rapid beating of Ruki’s own heartbeat. Just when Ruki thought his time was up he turned his head when he heard a loud groaning sound than a sharp hiss followed right after it.

He only saw the scene briefly for he knew he needed to find Reita- and fast. Time was slowly running out for all of them. Vivid scenes of his near death experience from his and Reita’s first visit to the house filled his mind. This was all playing out much differently than last time. Aoi had really thought this plan of his out since their last encounter. And at the moment, Ruki felt like it might just succeed. One last look over at the pair of Kai and Uruha- Kai’s hand grasping around Uruha’s neck, pinning the feline demon to the wall right above a side table- and Ruki was off again, finding out where this hallway led to.

“Dammit. I can’t tell where I’m going. It’s way too dark.” Ruki had found out that the hallway wasn’t exactly straight the entire time, his nose and face contacting roughly with the wall more than once. Now he resorted to taking it slower, tracing the wall as he walked with his hands, making sure he got no more surprises. “Doesn’t Aoi ever turn lights on? Why the hell am I even asking myself that question?”

Eventually Ruki ran out of wall, finding a set of stairs by feeling the railing instead of the wall. “… This is as good a guess than anything.” Ruki ascended the stairs, finding the upstairs to be a bit more lit up, only because of the numerous windows allowing the moon light the filter in. Ruki strayed to one of the windows, looking out at the moon and star dotting the sky. If he wasn’t on a frantic search for his friend he could have stood there all night and dreamed pleasantly.

His gaze slowly lowered, setting upon what looked like some sort of back porch or patio in the backyard. They fell upon two figures standing there together and they were easily recognizable by the color of their hair. “Reita!” Ruki yelled as if Reita could hear him from outside with the closed window in the way. Dammit. How did he miss something that would have led him out there? He had no choice. He had to go back down and look for the door that led outside, even if he had to resort to the front door and travel back there that way. Away he went, sliding down the railing of the stairs, tripping a bit when he landed on his feet at the bottom. He wasted no time in racing down the hallway, hoping he could find the way outside quickly.


What an amazing getaway. Aoi didn’t think it would be pulled off that easily. “Then again, I was dealing with two imbeciles who can’t tell their left from their right.” Aoi mentioned aloud, not really meaning to, actually receiving a response from Reita in return.

“Kai is smarter than he shows himself to be.” Aoi scoffed at Reita’s words. He didn’t care about them anyway. Once he was done with Reita he would have a go at Kai as well. Two meals in one night sounded wonderful to him.

“You need to learn not to open your mouth unless I tell you to. No respect for those who rank above you.” All Aoi received was a glare- something he expected even the non-controlled Reita to do. “Though, I guess I can let you off since you won’t around much longer anyway.” Aoi still had the other glass in his hand, mindlessly moving it about, shifting the liquid inside. It certainly wasn’t for him to drink. It was to be used purely for fun- at least what Aoi perceived as fun.

Coming up behind Reita, he placed his arm around his shoulders, purposely moving the glass in front of Reita’s face, watching the vampire’s eyes follow it’s every movement. “You, my dear, need to give up liking that human friend of yours. I don’t see what about him makes him so special- so special that you, a vampire, could fall in love with him so easily.” Taking his other hand, Aoi stuck one of his fingers into the full glass, covering the entire thing with blood before continuing. “If you ask me, if I wasn’t going to kill you, he would have done so. So slowly… you wouldn’t have even noticed. Nor would he have noticed. Would you have liked to die because of him?” Aoi received a blunt ‘no’ from Reita, and the smile on his face grew. That was the answer he was looking for.

“A good picked answer. You are good at keeping me from killing you right off the bat without some fun.” Aoi traced his bloody finger across Reita’s bottom lip, watching as the blonde vampire didn’t hesitate in taking the digit into his mouth, licking it clean of the blood, savoring the taste. Aoi pulled his hand away, satisfied with Reita’s actions. He placed the glass on the railing nearby, now putting both his arms around Reita, pulling the other closer until his lips brushed close to Reita’s ear. Into it he whispered in a distance language, one that Reita hadn’t heard for decades; a secret language that only one group of creatures shared and understood; it was simply called the sacred language of the vampires. It was usually only spoken by the strongest out of them all, and for Aoi to know it he had to have some sort of strength to him that was withheld from the rest of the world.

Those simple words were all it took for Reita to act willingly, not hesitating in the least to what he was asked. The pine green coat that he wore was discarded, as well as the green shirt underneath and the red bandana hanging from his neck. All that reminded against his chest was the silver cross that he wore. The piece of jewelry was okay to leave on as Aoi didn’t say anything about it. Aoi licked his lips, greed slowly filling his eyes as he gazed at Reita before him. His dinner looked even more delicious than he thought it would look.

Reita was spun around so he faced Aoi, the raven-haired crusnik pushing him up against the railing, his hand reaching out for the glass again. “No hesitation. Good. It seems those words still have meaning after all. Just when I thought the language has died away, I find yet another vampire who still knows the language. You never cease to amaze me.” While still holding the glass in his own hand, Aoi allowed Reita to grasp it as well, bringing it to his lips and swallowing some of it. Aoi waited a moment before pulling the glass away from Reita, not wanting him to finish the entire thing just yet. “Now…” Aoi began, looking into Reita’s pupil-less eyes that matched his own, “Who do you not want to be around or get involved with?”

“… The worthless human.”

“Correct. And what’s his name?”

“Matsumoto Takanori. Ruki.”

“Correct again. And who should you give into and become a part of?”

“… You.”

“Very good. You learn quickly dearie.” This time, instead of rewarding Reita with the glass again, Aoi took some from it himself. Reaching his free arm around, Aoi grasped the back of Reita’s head, forcing him into a rough kiss, causing Reita to forcefully part his lips enough to let Aoi’s tongue enter. However, Aoi had a surprise up his sleeve. He never swallowed the blood he had drank from the glass, allowing the warm liquid to leak from his mouth into Reita’s as their two tongues mingled with each other. As disgusting as it seemed, Reita seemed to savor the flavor even more, wanting it all just for himself.

As Aoi pulled away, the mangled mess of saliva and blood connected his lips to Reita’s before the tension broke it apart. While Aoi simply wiped it away with the sleeve of his jacket, Reita wiped it off with his finger, licking it off afterwards. Aoi watched as Reita shut his eyes- from what he wasn’t sure, but it was working out for him. Once again he got close, whispering more words into Reita’s ear, one hand on the blond vampire’s chest. The wicked smirk appeared again, but this time with a more ferocious look to it. His lips rose to display a perfect pair of sharp canines, his tongue running over them quickly. His fingernails grew long and sharp, beginning to pierce their way into the skin on Reita’s chest; his eyes glazed over entirely, not with gray, but with black.

“Now who’s going to help me calm my hunger?”

“Nn… I am…” Aoi watched in pleasure as Reita opened his eyes again, both just staring off into the distance as he angled his head correctly to give Aoi full exposure to his neck. Another quick swipe of his tongue over his teeth and Aoi was ready- ready to claim what he had lost before- ready to claim the being in front of him as his meal- ready to claim what was rightfully his. Just as he leaned down ever so slightly, he hissed in pain as something collided with his side, his arms losing grip on Reita.

The sharp pain of colliding with the wooden deck pushed Aoi’s eyes shut for the moment, his mind crazy with thoughts about what had happened. He was so close. What was preventing him from succeeding now? As his eyes flew open he certainly got his answer. Groaning off to the side was the annoyance of a human, obviously in his own amount of pain from colliding so hard with Aoi. Served him right. Aoi was on his feet in no time, his leg roughly kicking Ruki hard enough to move the short man slightly across the deck.

“You will not interfere this time! I don’t care what you are to him- friend, lover- it doesn’t matter. He no longer likes you. He no longer wants you around. He prefers you dead over anything else.” Aoi spit out, hatred dripping from every syllable of every word. Ruki just lay there, doubled over in pain. He didn’t even hear what Aoi had thrown out to him in words. All his mind could focus on was the pain that was quickly increasing through his body. His thoughts were becoming jumbled up; his vision slightly hazy. What was he doing? Saving his best friend right? No, it was much more than that. He was there, saving Reita’s life like the vampire had done to him before, but he didn’t just consider the vampire his friend or just Reita- no this time, Reita was to be considered as his love, his boyfriend- and nothing was going to tear them apart.

His legs shook as he stood up, his arm reaching out and grabbing the railing for balance. “You. Leave him… alone…” Ruki managed to gasp out as his voice faltered here and there, his body still recovering. “Go out… and find yourself another victim… to play with… one that doesn’t come with a human addition…”

“You are pathetic kid.” Aoi blurted out, grabbing the short man by the neck and trapping him against the outer wall of the house. Ruki’s eyes widened as he remembered the last time he was in a position like this. But that time Reita had been aware of his surroundings, and now- he really wasn’t in any position to come over and rescue Ruki. He squirmed about, attempting to escape Aoi’s grasp and try to get his friend to wake up. “Give it up. You’re not saving him this time around. He’s mine now and you’ll have to find yourself a new lover…” Aoi ran his nails along Ruki’s neck, easily cutting through the skin and causing a trail of red to form where they had travelled. “Maybe I could enjoy you as a small snack before my main course. Then Uruha can have your body to chew on… he’ll like that…”

“If he ever recovers fully.” Came a voice off to the side. Aoi’s head snapped in that direction, eyes falling upon the figure of Kai who held Uruha up like a life-less doll. “Poor thing didn’t stand a chance after he began to weaken.” Aoi’s grip on Ruki released almost instantly at the sight of Uruha. The honey blonde’s head hung down, staring at the ground. His eyes were closed, blood splattered across his face and clothing. It dripped down his arms, dropping to the wooden deck and staining it red. The clothing was torn in various places, piece of it falling off his life-less body. Ears were down, gashes apparent in them. As for the tail- it remained just as life-less as the rest of the body. Kai merely dropped Uruha to the ground, watching him fall right over.

“… Uruha… no…” Within seconds Aoi was beside Uruha, his arms wrapped around his beloved. Ruki just stood there, trying to recover himself from the déjà vu he had just experienced. The overwhelming stench of blood is what brought him back to reality, his hand covering his nose to block the smell out as best as he could. All he could do was stand there and witness the scene before him. Uruha’s life-less body in Aoi’s embrace, the raven-haired monster fighting back tears. He had returned to his normal self- eyes, fingernails and teeth all the way they should be. Faintly Ruki could hear Aoi whispering words to Uruha.

“… Kai… did you… kill him…?” Ruki found in incredibly hard to utter these words. Sure, Uruha had tried to kill him numerous times, and more than anything Ruki wanted him dead. But to see what devastation the loss was causing- the toll it was taking on Aoi as he sat there with Uruha in his arms- Ruki felt horrible about ever wishing that fate on the feline. “Kai please tell me you didn’t kill him.” No response. “… Kai please tell me!” Still, no response. Ruki could feel tears coming to his eyes, his gaze falling to the floor. “How could you!?” What was he talking about? What did he care? Apparently he cared more than he knew. “Why did you do that!?”

It was then Ruki came to a realization of sorts. This would happen again, but not with Aoi and Uruha. With him and Reita. He would die; Reita would not. And when he died, Reita would be just as upset over his death as Aoi was over Uruha’s- if the feline was really dead. It killed him inside to think about that. Maybe this was a sign, telling him he shouldn’t have given his feelings and love to Reita, because now he had the chance of hurting Reita in the future. More tears weld up in his eyes and he merely closed them, allowing the tears to flow freely. His sobs came out more like childish whines. He didn’t know what to think anymore. Why had he gotten involved with this whole thing? Because he loved Reita and couldn’t leave him no matter what? Was that it? Was it the power and motivation of love that kept him from separating from Reita? Willing to take whatever life threw at them?

His body flinched slightly as he felt a hand on his shoulder and it was then that he realized he was still standing. He used the back of his hand to wipe at his eyes but knew it was no use. He would only end up crying more. “… Ruki… I didn’t kill him… look…” At the sound of Kai’s voice, Ruki glanced over in Aoi’s direction again, still finding him with his arms around Uruha. Aoi seemed to have calmed down a bit- he had also started crying, believing that Uruha truly was dead in his arms- his forehead against that of Uruha’s. The honey blonde’s tail twitched ever so slightly, showing there was still some life to him. Not much, but it was still there.

“… Aoi…” Uruha managed to choke up his lover’s name, along with a bit of blood, before attempting to open his eyes. Aoi just held him closer, never wanting to let him go. One arm of Uruha’s wrapped itself around Aoi, the other rested against the crusnik’s chest, fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly. “I-I’m… sorry…” Aoi shushed him, placing one finger against the bloodied lips of the feline. Uruha complied, not opening his mouth again, only staying as close as he could to Aoi.

Ruki’s eyes had forced themselves closed again as another wave of sorrow swept over him. Seeing Ruki like this made Kai’s heart ache. All he was trying to do was protect Ruki and Reita at all costs. I certainly had the instinct to just go ahead and kill Uruha but he hadn’t gone that far. He just couldn’t bring himself up to doing it, no matter how much he wanted to. Never did he think emotions would erupt like this over his way of protection. Kai just stood there, not knowing what to think or do except wanting to comfort Ruki and make sure he was going to be okay. He used one arm to bring the younger man close, bringing him into a comforting embrace that Ruki didn’t resist.

Sudden movement from Reita caught Kai’s attention, watching the vampire collapse to the ground. Ruki heard the thump come from behind him and his head immediately turned. He broke free of Kai and rushed over to Reita’s side, kneeling down beside the blonde. “Rei… are you… okay?” Ruki helped Reita to sit up against the bars that held up the railing, making sure the vampire wouldn’t fall sideways or forward onto the floor of the deck again. “Come on Rei… please… say something…” One hand was placed against Reita’s cheek, while Ruki buried his face into the side of Reita’s neck. “Please… just one word… let me know you’re okay…”

He got more than just a word.

The smaller male felt arms wrap around him, bringing him closer to the body of the vampire, his other arm draping around Reita’s shoulders. He removed his head from its buried position, his eyes falling upon Reita’s now open ones, searching for the truth within them. Was Reita truly okay? Or was he still brainwashed by Aoi, even at a time like this? “… Ruki?” Ruki squirmed slightly, as if trying to get away in case Reita was still being controlled. He found his efforts to be of no avail when the grip around him grew tighter. Ruki whimpered slightly, no knowing what else to do. “… Ruki, stop squirming.”

Just with those words alone Ruki stopped, just staring at Reita. “Rei?”

“… Who else would I be?” Reita reached up and removed a few strands of Ruki’s hair out of his face, thankful the younger wasn’t crying anymore. “Just calm down okay? I’m not going to kill you…” He had promised that so long ago, and he held true to it. Besides, he had been controlled so far that night, so anything that could have happened wouldn’t have been his fault. Aoi and Uruha were who he looked at next, his eyes filling up with anger, hate and sadness. They had gone too far this time, and now they were paying for it- Uruha lying there, barely alive in Aoi’s arms.

How had they all survived that night?

“I never thought I’d see this day.” Reita came back to reality when Aoi spoke up. “The day Uruha is laying in my arms, life-less and unmoving. Sure he’s still alive… but… had I not been so determined… he would still be okay…” He was slowly starting to regret ever hunting Reita and his friends in the first place now. Something that seemed so simple had now turned into a problem that he had no solution to. With no more words, Aoi got to his feet, picking Uruha up gently in his arms and walking back into the house. He said nothing to the others, letting them decide on what they wanted to do.

Ruki rested his head against Reita’s bare chest, his crying slowly coming to a stop as he realized they were all going to be safe. Reita stroked Ruki’s back softly, whispering small sentences into his hair, an attempt to calm him down even more.

“Reita…” The blonde looked up to look at Kai who looked back down at him. “We should get him home. He’s going to need to sleep after this entire ordeal. First I’ll want to check to make sure he’s okay and didn’t suffer any injuries…” Reita just nodded to what Kai said, just being glad that all of them made it out alive for a second time. Luck was certainly on their side, but how long it would last was beyond his control- beyond any of their controls. Getting Ruki to move off of him, Reita got to his feet before picking Ruki up in the same fashion Aoi had done to Uruha minutes ago, ready to take him back home.


Kai had thoroughly checked Ruki over, only finding a few bruises here and there on his body. Everything else seemed to be in working order. Nothing was broken, dislocated or even sprained, lifting spirits a bit. “Looks like you’re okay Ruki. Nothing but bruises. You got off luckier than I did.” Only in the light could Ruki finally see the multiple wounds he had obtained in his fight with Uruha. For a vegetarian vampire, Kai really knew how to fight when it came down to it.

Reita came back from his bedroom, now dressed in pajamas than his normal nightwear. He had given Ruki another outfit of his to wear to bed, knowing the younger would need the clothes. “Just bruises then? You really get off lucky Ruki. You really do.” Reita let a small smile play at his lips, trying to get one from Ruki as well but finding no success. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Reita watched Ruki yawn before he got off the couch and headed for Reita’s room. Once the shorter male was out of sight, Reita spoke quickly with Kai.

“Kai… I don’t think I can repay you for watching over him like you did…” Reita felt horrible that there was nothing he could do for Kai for the protection he gave to Ruki in his absence. Maybe he could visit him more often than he normally did?

“You don’t need to. As long as you keep Ruki safe, and the both of you are happy… that’s good enough for me.” Kai smiled slightly, giving Reita a hug before turning towards the door. “Touch base with me tomorrow to let me know how he’s doing. He’s going to be in shock for a while so we’ll have to be careful for a while.” Reita just nodded, waving a small goodbye to Kai before he took off into the night. Reita sighed softly to himself, shutting off the lamp near the couch and making his way back to the bedroom.

Ruki was already curled up in the blankets; his head on the pillow, hair messed up from it. Reita just stood in the doorway for a moment, before he made his way in and shut the door. Quietly he got onto the bed, sliding under what blankets Ruki didn’t take to cover himself with. Once he was comfortable, he lay close to Ruki, pulling the male closer to him and putting his arms around him almost in a protective state. He kissed the top of Ruki’s head gently, allowing the other to bury his face into him, giving him what comfort he needed.
The danger had past, but more lurked everywhere and Reita knew it. It would be hard to keep them safe, but as long as Ruki was willing to be there by his side, Reita didn’t mind. He would protect the younger with everything he had.

His eyes closed, giving them some rest but not actually falling asleep. He was still aware of everything that was going on, and he liked it that way.

So they both lay there, enjoying the safety of the night they had, awaiting what their future held next…

Author's Notes~

- Comments are loved. <3
- There is no chapter number to this since it happens mid-story really.
- This MAY change once this part is actually role played, so we'll see what happens.
- Enjoy. :3

reitaxruki aoixuruha multichaptered fanf

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