hey say jump is coming to town...

Oct 25, 2009 01:52

okay title is totally unrelated to the post... ;;; I was just listening to HSJ christmas medly.


Anyway.. I have a lot of things lined up for uhh.. my so called sem break
→Do some spring cleaning in my ...uhhh messy room
→Try and learn some new dance? idk... |D;;
→download some stuffs
→Hospital duties during sembreak..Yes more babies
→Finish reading Kimi ni todoke manga ♥
→ Learn Okikunare on piano..which I believe will probably take me years at the pace Im going on right now
→Go out and have fun.. hopefully.
→Enroll for the next sem
→Stalk some people hee~

More yamada papapics.. :| I dont even know when this is ;; /fail.. where be the little kid? D:
And could somebody kick Johnny?... Its been a whole year since Hey!Say!JUMP released a single...or better yet it has almost been a year since JUMP was called Hey!Say!JUMP...the 10 members?... rawr

aaaaaaa, willcontinuetotagthislater

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