Jpop Idol Safety Master Post (in multiple parts)

Mar 13, 2011 07:01

I'm sure you're all aware of what's happening in Japan, with the tsunamis and the earthquake (and aftershocks). There are many wonderful resources to let you know whats going on and to find missing loved ones, or donate to help the relief effort. I personally ended up searching the internet for information on my loved ones, and then when I found out, I turned my attention to those Japanese artists that are loved by a great many of us.

I started making a master post to the safety listings/sources for Jpop Idols, etc, and it got really long. so I'm just x-posting the links to the different parts on my personal journal.   Feel free to take a look, and if you know someone I missed, feel free to post a link to the source (blog, twitter, official announcement) in the comments of the entry. xposted everywhere.

Part 1
- Johnnys and Associates
Part 2 - Jrock
Part 3 - Jpop (if you don't find your favorite jpop artist on this list, try checking the jrock list, or the sources at the bottom of the page. They may have updated since I made my list).
Part 4 - Tokusatsu (this is a work in progress, and will cover psuedo-toku like tenimyu and PGSM as well)

- Anime/Manga, Seiyuu, and extraneous (this is an ongoing database made by others. I thank them for making it so I won't have to)

If you're looking for ways to help, or more information, canada_johnnys posted some good resources here.

A few of the main cast from the tumbling drama are also in several toku series, so if you don't find them on the music artist lists, you can check the toku list. :D
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