(no subject)

Dec 26, 2005 19:48

A- Always doing what?
having fun!

february 13

C- Cash?
85 dollars

D- Dads name?

E- Easiest person to make you laugh?
all my friends crack me up!

F- Food you eat most?

G- Any encounter with ghosts?
ummm..i dont think so...

H- Hungry?
not really

I- Interesting fact people don't know about you?
ummmm.....i cant think of 1

J- Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
who hasnt?!?

K- Kissing with eyes open or closed?

L- Last time you did something "bad"
yesterday...i was makin fun of my aunt and she got mad...

M- Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute?
Katrina bringing celias awesome family to bama

N- Nicknames
tweeter tay taybabe carmen big-bootie tt--haha brenna baylor

O- Whats your most valued possession?
all the people i love!

P- Person you last talked to on the phone?
brenna michele mcclung!

Q- Quote that you feel represents you right now?
Let's become little old ladies together- we'll stay up late looking at old pictures, telling "remember when" stories, and laughing till our sides ache. Let's become eccentric together- the kind of old ladies who take long walks, wear silly hats, and get away with acting outrageous in public places. And if anybody should ask how long we've been friends, we'll say, "Oh, forever - since before you were even born!" Let's become little old ladies together- because a friendship that's as special as ours can only grow better through the years

R- What are you allergic to?
cats && dust

S- Song you last sang out loud?
ummm...The Day Before You

T- Time you woke up?

U- U like to sing soft or loud?

V- Vegetable you hate most?
ummm...green beans

W- What are you most afraid of?

X- X- rated love life?

Y- Yellowcard or Green Day?
umm..idk...prolly green day

Z- Zodiac Sign?
no idea
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