Second rant...

Apr 27, 2005 18:36

Justin's party. What's going on? So I was talking to Fiona after school and Mickey came up and he was making weird faces like usual so I decided to start doing them back at him, so then he came up and started talking to us. He said he's not going to Justin's party, which is supposed to be on Tuesday night, and that's Justin's not even going. Apparently he's going camping with Alex Arnold and that group, or something random like that. And Fiona told Meghann that she didn't want more than 20 or 25 cars on her lawn, because it's not that big to begin with and the party's gonna be outside, but Meghann made more than 100 flyers and was just passing them out to random people. Basically whoever she saw. So at this point no one even knows who's been invited, and no one good's gonnaa come, and Fiona doesn't want anyone to come, but she doesn't know how to cancel the party. And now she wants to have my party that night. I was thinking about doing it on Wednesday since we don't have school that day, but then I realized that I can't do it at night since we do have school on Thursday, and I don't really want to have a daytime party, so I don't know what I'm gonna do. I can either have it on Tuesday night or try to do it on Saturday night after we get back from ISSMA. But no one knows when we're getting back, and we're the last band to play, and then I wouldn't have time to go home and get ready. Maybe I won't have one. But I have to. Everyone's telling me I have to. It's not so much that I don't want to have a party, I just hate planning things. It never seems worth it in the end. bah. I don't care. That's what it always comes down to. Just the fact that I don't care about anything. At least not until it's over.
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