Well it's about time!

Oct 22, 2008 11:56

Okay, odd reaction.



One of my videos has been blocked for copyright infringement: the Teaser Trailer for Heroes. Which means that the other videos I used Narnia music for will be blocked any second now.

What I want to know is how it took so long? Other videos of mine have been caught for copyright infringement before, but the owners just threw ads on the page and that was all. Yay. But this one's actually been blocked. Sigh. Ah well.

Went through AudioSwap for a while to see if there was anything useful, but OH MY GOD have you listened to the AudioSwap music? Made me want to give up on everything and hide in a box as far away from the internet as possible for the REST of my LIFE.

Anyway. Yeah.

fanvid, youtube

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