Aug 19, 2008 07:33

*hugs the connection*

okay not really.

as you can tell, I've been slightly... MIA these last few months. My computer's sick. It doesn't want to use the internet, and none of the usual fixes are.... you know.... fixing it. Now, normally I'd just use the family computer, grump around, but still see all my sites.
Guess which computer no longer believes in Operating Systems...

I am not having the best of luck. So now I'm stuck using university computers and my brother's laptop. Basically, with one computer working properly in the house, there's a lot of arguments going on as to how important everyone's stuff is.
LJ apparently lost. Basically at the moment, I have enough time to check email, apply for jobs, check uni, and run quickly around facebook. Checking my f-list however... yeah that's not gonna happen any time soon.
Which is annoying as all hell.

Anyway. Probably should be, I don't know, getting ready for class right now. *flees*
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