The first character I fell in love with: Much. For sure. He's so gorgeously wonderful.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: That's tough. No idea.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Robin. Actually, a few people said this... heh. Anyway, I find him too self-centered and self-righteous.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: *is tough* Djaq maybe?
5. The character I would shag anytime: Allan. Totally.
6. The character I'd want to be like: Marian. She's brave, sassy, and gets to hang out with incredibly pretty men.
7. The character I'd slap: Marian. ... maybe. Just for... seriously, girl. The man had a sword pointed at you, and you taunted him? Idiotic.
8. A pairing that I love: Will/Djaq. To PIECES.
9. A pairing that I despise: ...Um. I'm pretty comfortable with any ship in this show. I think I've said this before but if it moves I ship it, and if it doesn't then I poke it with a stick. And then ship it anyway.
10. Favorite character: Will. Except when he says things like "I hate the Sheriff" and "This is for the poor." I mean, really?
11. What are your five favorite things about your fandom?
- The slashiness. It is fantastic.
- The ridiculous costumes and other modern-style things wandering about.
- The community. It is seriously awesome.
- ...No I think that sums it up pretty well...
12. What are your five least favorite things about your fandom?
- Some of the writing. (See my comments above on Marian's death and Will's lines) also... "Save Marian, Save the King, Save England." Gee thanks, Peter Petrelli.
- Robin's self-righteous behaviour
- The lack of any obvious form of timeline. As a writer desperately wanting to fill in the gaps the show leaves, it can be really irritating when you come to realise that you have no idea if there was a month or a week between episodes.
- The way it often focusses too heavily on Robin or Marian. The other characters don't get as much time for foreground characterisation. You're left wondering to yourself things like "Okay, so we get why Will loves Djaq, but... her love for him seemed to come a bit out of left field..."
- The way the gang treats Much, especially in season 2. It was horrible!
13. Who are your five favorite characters?
- Will. He is of the gorgeous.
- Allan. He is lovably wicked, but not evil.
- Sheriff Vasey. He is evil. And I heart it.
- Guy. My gosh, Guy. You know a show's got it bad when you're rooting for the leads to break up so she can run off with the villain.
- Much. He is underappreciated by the gang, so I appreciate him extra.
14. Who are your five least favorite characters?
- King Richard. Jesus he annoyed me. Beyond reason did he annoy me.
- Robin. See my comments on Robin above.
- Jasper. What a waste of time.
- Edward. *dodges arrows* I found him underwhelming, and I kept finding myself wondering how Marian came from this.
- okay. Now I know there was someone else who irritated me beyond reason... But I can't think of them for the life of me...
15. What are your five favorite pairings?
- Will/Djaq. Because happy love is ftw
- Guy/Marian. Because it's all about the tension.
- Guy/Allan. Because that shit is hot.
- Guy/Allan/Marian. Come ON.
- Will/Allan. Only a little. Okay a lot.
16. What are your five least favorite pairings?
- Robin/Marian. Okay. They had their moments. But their moments were usually followed by really angry or stupid moments.
- John/Alice. I don't really get why people love them so much and want them to be together again. Alice gave John up for dead years ago, and she has a new man. It's very unlikely that they'll ever be a family again. If John did go to be with them, it would be to be with his son, not his wife.
- Robin/Marian.
- Robin/Marian.
17. Which character are you most like? Oh who knows... I'm probably most like Will, very set in my ways, quiet unless it's something I'm passionate about... Not so good with wood though...
18. What is your deep, dark fandom secret? Hum. I'm not entirely sure if I have one... But if I think of one I'll edit this and add it.
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