i fly like paper, get high like planes

Jan 04, 2008 11:00

I'm at work. They keep hinting at offering me a job after I graduate. Why can't they just tell me straight out? Well I guess it doesn't really matter anyway, since I'm terrified of graduating and am sort of pretending it's not happening. They better give me a job though because I haven't put any effort into finding anything else.

I thought it would be weird, sleeping in the Mods last night when no one else was there, but actually it was great. I slept better than I have in weeks! Something about my college bed is so comforting. My bed at home is really nice, but I guess I'm just too used to bad quality to appreciate it. or something.

I was listening to this radio show the other day about a guy who one day decided to pay attention to all the little sounds in everyday life that you train yourself to tune out. Just normal electronic sounds like the humming of your computer and your AC and the fan down the hall-- all the little whirrings that you don't even notice until someone points them out to you. So anyway this guy was unhappy at work and began to notice all these sounds in his office and so one day he brought in a pitch pipe and he figured out what note all those sounds were. And it turned out that they were c, e flat, and g, which is a minor third, and a minor third is one of the saddest sounding chords in music. So basically he was sitting in an office all day while listening to a minor third, and he decided that was the reason he was so unhappy. So he bought a new fan or something to fix the chord, and then he started going all around his house and tuning his appliances so that, for example, the microwave and the fridge constituted a nice sounding chord. And supposedly this made him happier. He has all these grandiose plans of one day creating an industry of "house tuners" who people will hire to make sure their house operates in perfect harmony, literally. I don't know if this is all actually true, that these things can really affect your mood, or maybe it's just the idea of such a thing which made him happy, but it's interesting to think about.
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