Ryan Star performing "Breathe" on David's post-show busline tonight

Nov 11, 2009 04:18

If you're as big of a twitter 'ho as I am, you might've seen Ryan tweet that he was going to try and make it to tonight's show in St. Louis, since he's going to be interviewed on the local radio station tomorrow morning.

He made it...but pretty much after the show was over. :(

Anyway, Green RIver Ordinance had had a Twitter contest during the show, and this girl won a guitar from them. She was outside at the bus line with it, waiting for Dave and the boys to come out.

Ryan, being Ryan, was outside working the bus line like a pro... and when he came to her, someone suggested that he play a little bit of his new single "Breathe" to aid in his shameless self-promotion. Never let it be said that Ryan passed up an opportunity for self-promotion. :D

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eyewitness accounts of mayhem, video: performances, subject: ryan star

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