Neal's Belated Birthday Project - Final Total and Donation Sent!!

Feb 09, 2009 12:10

All right, guys. We're done with the donation project for Heartland Great Dane Rescue for the time being.

Our grand total donation was $1530, after all Paypal fees were paid for by a donor.

I've just transferred the funds to HGRD, and will let you know as soon as I hear something back from Jan. :)

A copy of the Paypal receipt is under the cut, for anyone who wants to see it. The amount I transferred was $1576. $46 is what Paypal is taking in fees (2.9% + .45 cents), so HGDR will recieve the full $1530 that was donated.

Dear Roberta xxxxxx,

This email confirms that you have donated $1,576.00 USD to Heartland Great Dane Rescue, Inc ( using PayPal.
This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *HEARTLANDGR".

Donation Details
Confirmation number:
70K78882PX1569313Donation amount:
$1,576.00 USDTotal:
$1,576.00 USDPurpose:
Donation to Heartland Great Dane Rescue Inc.Reference:
From Help Needed LinkContributor:
Roberta xxxxxxMessage:
From fans of Neal Tiemann and his Great Dane, Mr. Sixx, in honor of Neal's birthday.

Recipient information HTML
Donations coordinator:
Heartland Great Dane Rescue, IncContact email:
mjcates@cox.netContact Phone Number:
405-260-0026Your confirmed address

Mailing information:
Roberta xxxxxx
United States


Heartfelt thanks goes out to each and every one of you, whether you gave money, spread the word, or just sent some thoughts into the universe for the Danes. Neal is aware of the grand total for the project, and I'll be sure to post if he gets back with me personally. I'm certain we'll be getting a letter from Jan, the Rescue president, in the near future, and I'll also post a copy of that when I get it.

Whew. What a crazy six weeks. You guys make me so proud to be a part of this fandom!!

Soon as I put these folding chairs away and sweep up the last of the crumbs off the floor from this bake sale, I'll be back over there at my usual spot at the reference desk of the prison library, and feeding the betas and the bunnies. :) Hope I tidied up after myself enough, Wardens! Cupcake, anyone?

wheee puppies! :), let's have a bake sale

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