Jul 22, 2004 10:56
Well I am reporting from my Downstairs Computer. I got the ugly son-of-a-bitch to work. Yesterday was pretty blah. Things that Happened:
-Woke up @ 5
-Went to the psych @ 10:30-11:30
-Went to sleep @ 12-2:30
-Went to see Anthony @ 4:30-11:30
I brought one of the million Hilliary Duff posters with me for Anthony. Fortunatly we were able to Duct Tape the guy's face off. Unfortunatly we didn't have scissors to replace the face with Anthony's. I kept eating their food. I Helped Anthony hook up their Ghetto Dish Washer. We went to his Brother John's house to watch the South Park Episode with the "Lobster People" or the MetroSexuals. We listened to the new Avril Lavigne Soundtrack. Some of the songs I wanted to claw my eyes out to but other than those it was great. Another thing that made me want to carve my eyes out with a spork was the fact that she has a fucking "X" on her jacket! Straight Edge people need to die! All in all it was a great night. Oh yeah and I got my ass handed to me in Soul Calibur. (tear)
All in All I have concluded that all my friends and Family are a part of me and my Sanity. And without you guys I am lost. Thanx for being there for me. Blah blah blah and Your mom's a dirty whore.