Mar 23, 2004 07:58
Rock n Rossi: "I know a girl who cries when she practices cause each note sounds so pure it cuts into her and then the melody comes pouring out her eyes now to me everything else sounds like a lie"
SubHumanHeart: AHH
Rock n Rossi: ouch I left out the violin that kinda ruined the whole quote sorry Connor
SubHumanHeart: lol funny
SubHumanHeart: He's going to kill you now
Rock n Rossi: lol no after he impregnates you with his love child
SubHumanHeart: lmao that would definitely be the spawn of Satan
Rock n Rossi: then you see its beauty and kill yourself and I have to raise it then things will be cool
Rock n Rossi: between me and him
SubHumanHeart: So you and Connor are going to be gay?
SubHumanHeart: Is that what you are saying?
Rock n Rossi: no your going to have his baby kill yourself and I am going to raise that child and then we're gonna get drunk and make fun of you
SubHumanHeart: lol
SubHumanHeart: thanx
SubHumanHeart: I have so much to look forward to when I die
Rock n Rossi: yeah like people making fun you afterwards
Rock n Rossi: and knowing you gave birth to Connor’s child
SubHumanHeart: Well it will atleast be a well backed up death
Rock n Rossi: lol it gets better Chris Carrabba is gonna rape your dead corps
SubHumanHeart: Not if I kill him first
Rock n Rossi: and you're gonna be his skull fuck bitch
Rock n Rossi: after you die
SubHumanHeart: Not if he becomes mine first
Rock n Rossi: he won't cause you're gonna be dead from killing yourself after having Connor’s child
Rock n Rossi: and Connor and I are gonna sit in a bar in Omaha and laugh at you and Chris
SubHumanHeart: Well then looks like I should kill him now well I'm still alive
SubHumanHeart: AHHHH
SubHumanHeart: The nightmare
Rock n Rossi: you could try but, the oracle is always right
Rock n Rossi: sorry you cannot defy your fate your fucked.. literally in the skull by Chris Carrabba
ChaosHarmonixer: I am the lord of all things big and purple!!
SubHumanHeart: the fuzzy towel monster
ChaosHarmonixer: lol
ChaosHarmonixer: fuzzy towel monster for hire!!! All I require is one down payment of lint!
SubHumanHeart: lol
ChaosHarmonixer: by lint I mean your first born.
Narasimha Avatar: TANG
SubHumanHeart: I am addicted to Tang!
Narasimha Avatar: I just like the flavor.
SubHumanHeart: lol
SubHumanHeart: that's what they all say
Narasimha Avatar: haha
Narasimha Avatar: Hi my name is john and I'm a Tangoholic
Narasimha Avatar: "Hi John!!"