Lauren (
killer_bunnies) and I made Drinking Games for the other's lives. And it's so goddamn cool I can't stop snickering.
Lockwood's life -- the Drinking Game
lockwood mentions that he dressed up as carl from athf -- take a drink
lockwood mentions rush's moving pictures cover -- take a drink
lockwood mentions his dad -- take a drink
lockwood tells his dad's anal sex story -- take a drink
and finishes with the breast milk story -- have 2
Anytime lockwood drops the h-bomb (hate) take a drink and punch someone in the face
lockwood mentions a prog rock band-- take a drink
you start listening to prog rock -- finish your drink
everytime lockwood sends you a link to some site you never knew nor ever wanted to know existed -- take a drink
lockwood reminds you of one of these sites when you had blocked the horror out of your mind -- have two drinks
you've ever met the infamous shannon -- take a dozen drinks
and slept with her -- drink until coma
lockwood mentions "she's such a pure girl... i have to violate her" -- finish your drink
when Lockwood quotes Family Guy verbatim, drink.
when Lockwood does a spoken-word version of a song that has absolutely no right to be spoken, two drinks.
everytime you see jet black and immediately think of lockwood -- take a drink
lockwood mentions crossplay -- have a drink or five
lockwood bitches about j-rock -- have a drink
lockwood admits to liking a j-rock band -- finish your drink
lockwood mentions something dirty (and I mean dirty) about hermione granger or a twi'lek -- have four beers
lockwood mentions there's a drinking game for his life -- finish your drink
If you've read lockwood's book -- finish your drink
lockwood mentions alcohol -- take a drink
lockwood passes out with drink in hand-- take a drink
you drink lockwood under the table -- finish the keg
lockwood mentions his love of whiskey -- take a drink
Star Wars
lockwood relates something to star wars -- take a drink
you start thinking lockwood just might really *be* a jedi (ie, music turns up in liquor store as soon as he says he likes the song) -- finish your drink
If lockwood says "i'm a jedi, that's what i do" -- take a drink
lockwood bellows KOTOR -- take a drink
you seriously ask lockwood to use his jedi powers to help you out with something -- finish your drink
you find yourself wanting to know more about the star wars universe in order to understand what lockwood's talking about -- cry bitterly into your beer and finish it
if lockwood mentions how much cooler something would be if it involved jedi -- take a drink
you call lockwood a "padawan" in all seriousness -- finish the keg
Fuck yes.