I had a wonderful night last night. I had some very good friends over,
readis, one of sweet_minstrel and jckakotay's friends (who I will asimilate into one of my friends, just like the borg) and my two lovely flatmates, for a house warming.
It wasn't a big party, but it consisted of very yummy snacks, some yummier wine and a viewing of the best bad movie ever made in Australia, Hercules Returns. It is so funny watching that having lived in Melbourne for a little while, and picking out all the locations where all the scenes (outside of the muscle-man movie) are set.
There were about three people who hadn't seen it, and the rest of us were long time fans. I bought this copy on ebay, but I'll probably buy it again when it is finally released on DVD. If it is released on DVD, that is. They should release it. Nearly every video rental shop in the country that ever stocked it has had their copy stolen because it is so good and so scarse.
Anyway, my part of the flat is all set up now, so I am very happy with that, and my friends know where I am, so I am very happy with that also.
This week's adventure will be going to Vic Roads and giving them all my money for a little piece of plastic for my wallet and a sticker and a couple of bits of metal to attach to Mr. Bitchy. I hope they will let me just take out 6 months. I want my rego due in November, as it is at the moment with the RTA in NSW. Plus, it will be less expensive now. They say I can get a refund for the 6 remaining month on my NSW rego, but I won't be holding my breath about that.
I just watched Sin City with my flatmates. Neither of them had seen it and it was only my second viewing. It's as good as I remember. I might have to get around to that comic book series one day.
Right now I'm ripping through the last volume of the Thursday Next quartet by Jasper Fforde. I'm loving every page and am often giggling like a crazy person in the tram to and from work because of it.
Last week was a good week. I introduced two people to Neil Gaiman's works. One I started on Coraline, and the other on Stardust. We'll see what I can manage this week.