Jan 03, 2007 21:19
The holidays were pretty good despite being hundreds of thousands upon millions of miles from family and friends. We distracted oursleves from this fairly well, I think. There were presents and quail eggs and seaside pensions (I actually stayed in a pension- how John Irving of me!) and a really bad version of a Christmas Carol with Kelsey Gramer (sp?) to ease our aching hearts.
New Year's Eve was not so pleasant. We went downtown with a bunch of friends and imbibed. These were not the bad things. The bad things were the choking of boyfriends by random meatheads in a bar and the stealing of wallets containing one's alien registration card and a thousand won. That sux. It was a weird mood in general and it's making me supersticious (sp.?) about 2007. Is a bad moon rising?
Now, we are neck deep in winter break intensives- which means spending 10-11 hours a day being enthusiastic about the English languauge. One of my fellow teachers irks me tons too. As the resident English teachers, we get to give the new students their English names when they come in . Every teacher is cool, letting us name the kids whatever we want (ok, ok Vulva would proabably not fly but you get my drift...) except this one woman. I named my whole class in honor of my friends and fam. We had an Audi, a Katie, a Heidi, a Joe and even a Bat-Noy. It was great! I came in today and the punk had renamed them all...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So now my class has lame-o names like Amy and Ann (sorry if anyone here actually has those names). The worst is that she names the kids things that aren't really names which might be funny excpet that I totally hate her. For instance, this sweet little girl whose former Brenna-given moniker was Brooke is now named Jelly. Jelly? Couple this with the fact that the woman is always interrupting my class time to give the kids stickers or extra homework so they are out-of-control and you have a Brenna that wants to maim, kill, and otherwise draw and quarter a certain someone.
Then there's my boss.....but I won't get into it.
Things here are great but we are seriously considering ditching out on our contract to go somewhere else. I have until June to be back for my cuz' wedding and to tke the GRE for grad school...any ideas? We're thinking of WOOLFing in New Zealand or teaching in Vietnam. We'll see. It's just why put up with a crappy workplace and a cold, dull Korean winter when you could be picking apricots in Middle Earth at the height of summer? (cue the Led Zepplin and the sitar)