(no subject)

Jun 16, 2007 14:34

Its my mums birthday today.
Everythings been great between us this past year or so.
I dont even know why we had problems in the first place.
Probably just me being my typical overdramatic self.

Its my 16th in a few weeks! :o
I cant beleive Im gonna be 16. 
It feels rather big, turning 16.
Heaven knows why, its only a number.

Relationships have been getting me down this past while. Well, when I say relationships, I mean the lack of them.
Like, I know im not the best looking, but im not THAT bad. Plus, you can always have a laugh with me, so why havent I had a relationship in what, ever 2 years now? And why have I onlt ever had 1 boyfriend?

The opposite sex confuse me alot of the time.


I should hopefully be seeing Dartz! this Thursday. Its an 18+ gig, but my fake ID should prove helpful.
I just hope I get to see them, as I've been annoying them for agesss to actually come to Belfast.

I'll hopefully be seeing Willy Mason, 25th May. Its a Friday night, so it should happen.

Then hopefully The Wombats June 9th. Saturday night, again, not a problem.

Then, the best finishing gig of the year;
Belfast Odessey, 8th December! 

I'll hopefully be attending more gigs throughout the year though.
No festivals for Rebecca. :[
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