wild oats

Apr 03, 2009 09:43

me:  "my girlfriend and i broke up recently. and i must say, i am relieved. gives me a chance to sow my wild oats. in the schrute family, we have a tradition, where when the male has sex with another woman, he is rewarded with a bag of wild oats on his doorstep by his parents. you can use these oats to make oatmeal, bread, whatever you want. i dont care, they're your oats.”-dwight

Galo:  ???
me:  lol do you know the saying "sow my wild oats"?
Galo:  no
me:  men say it meaning .. they're gonna spread their "seed' around to different women.
if a guy says he needs to sow his wild oats it means he wants to go out and have sex with a lot of women and not be tied down
Galo:  oh ok
me:  so if you ever need to sow your wild oats please break up with me first
Galo: I dont need to do that
im giving you all my oats to you
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