Nov 07, 2008 10:35
I'm generally not a metal fan, but this song just tickles me. Not sure why. I wish I could find more like it, but the only other metal I've liked is by DragonForce, which my brother informs me is not "real" metal. =(
Anyway. I figured I should post a more extended reflection on Tuesday night's victory.
It was weird how it happened. My brother and I had on MSNBC, and I was busy on the computer while the results came in. There was no announcement that Barack Obama had won. We just looked up, and suddenly he had 282 votes. I think he had just taken California. And we suddenly realized, "...wait? 282... that's... in excess of 270... you mean, we won?!?" And it was weird, because much as we knew Obama was projected to win the night, it still came as a surprise.
It was a really great night. It was really kind of touching to see Jesse Jackson tearing up in the crowd at Grabt Park. I mean, he did say he would castrate Obama, but I guess he left those feelings aside. XD Also, John McCain looked more relieved than anything as he was giving his concession speech. I'm pretty sure his heart wasn't in his campaign, especially there at the end. He certainly took his loss with class; I guess he's been through so many campaigns this is kind of old-hat to him. Palin, on the other hand, looked on the verge of tears, which I guess makes sense since this was her first loss in an election.
(They keep saying she'll disappear off the political scene, but I don't believe it for a second. She'll be back. The public have short memories, they'll forget the ineptitude she displayed this year once she comes back older and wiser.)
More than winning in general, I was so excited to see so many red states turn blue. It was really something special. This is one election I know I will never forget.
I am nervous about the new administration. I really get bad vibes from this Rahm Emanuel guy, he seems like a creep. His AIPAC connections also make me uneasy. Maybe it's too much to hope for an administration with a more open-minded view of the Israel-Palestine conflict, but I always got the sense Obama knew better even as he pandered to pro-Israel voters like every other American politician. He was, after all, involved with Arab-American groups in Chicago, and has expressed sympathy with the Palestinians (after which, of course, the lobby jumped all over his ass).
In other news, my Hindi teacher had me write my own recommendation for grad school, to be signed by her. Uh, wut? I really had no one else I could ask, so I went ahead and did it. Boy is it weird to talk about yourself in glowing terms...
EDIT: Oh yeah, my computer's all better now! Well, kind of. It was a battery problem, and I was really lucky since 2006 MacBooks had battery problems, and the guy at the Genius Bar gave me a free replacement! These things are like $120+! Unfortunately, soon after, my adapter started to deteriorate, rather literally. The cord is burning away at both ends, and now it doesn't really work. =( A new one costs like $70. If it ain't one thing...
grad school,
election '08