Title: Fight the Break of Dawn
Fandom: The Hunger Games/Battlestar Galactica
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and some disturbing images
Pairings: Kara/Lee, Katniss/Gale
Words: ~4000
Summary: Lee Adama is nineteen when his younger brother’s name is drawn from the reaping ball.
Author's Note: Written for
taragel and
thrace_adama who won my auction over at
help_haiti . Beta'd by
penny_earrings .
Suddenly it feels like the ground he's standing on has turned to quicksand and he's slowly being swallowed. )
Comments 34
I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I always knew I wanted to write that back story because it totally took over my mind. My friends and I had conversations about exactly how the games would've gone... it was everything else that took time in coming to me.
Yeah, I figure Kara'd be kinda bitter... almost like... perpetually stuck in the Scar mindspace after the games. Sort of what I was going for with that--guilt, shame, drinking. And I think that bitterness would carry over into Kara's opinion of Katniss.
Heee, the home moment. That was just for you bb :) I knew you'd like it.
I'm so glad you liked that line. I was rather fond of it myself.
And I'm glad the Gale dialogue worked. I have less of a handle on the HG dialogue so it was a bit of a struggle.
So glad you liked it bb.
Peeta's too nice to just let him die.
That was PERFECT. I just- I could hear them saying those lines.
This made me REALLY happy, with all the kissing (yay!) and rebellion and HAYMITCH. But god, I TOTALLY cried whenever Zak was mentioned. And the lighter! OMG, the lighter! *sobs*
I would say more, but I am on my iTouch, and it's hard to leave long comments using it. :)
Yeah, leaving comments with my iphone is a real pain in the ass. But I'm glad you liked it! :D The lighter was sort of a random add but I'm glad it worked.
All the characters seemed to belong in the same universe, I could totally see this happening, they saying those lines. Kara feeling guilty for Zak (*sobs*) and Lee being in love with her from the beginning, as it should be. :) And Gale... oh Gale! So wise. I loved that both Lee and Gale acted on their feelings. That's the way to go boys, well done.
AND YAY SMOOCHING! (OMG HOME! *melts*) You can never go wrong with all that smooching. :)
Wonderful job, Ray. Wonderful.
I wish there was a book about this story. Hee. ;)
I felt so mean when I knew I was including and killing off Zak, but I thought it was appropriate.
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