Gem of Amara--Revisited

Nov 21, 2009 21:13

Title: Gem of Amara Revisited
Words: 200
Rating: PG for british swears
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Setting: BtVS S4
Summary: Unexpected side effects of the ring...

“Birds singing, squirrels making lots of rotten little squirrels.” Spike held his hand out, examining the way the sun glinted off the Gem of Amara gracing his ring finger. “Sun beaming down in a nice, non-fatal way. It's very exciting, I can't wait to see if I-what?”

Doubled over on the ground, Buffy clutched her stomach as she rolled in the grass and dirt.

“What is so funny, Slayer?” Spike snarled. “I’m going to-”

“Okay, Spike. Stop.” Buffy somehow managing to choke out the words as she gasped for air. As she sat up, her legs splayed in a V; she stared up at him. “I just can’t take you seriously like that.”

“Like what?”

“You’re… sparkling!” Buffy fell back again, kneels curled to her chest as she rolled around, ignoring the fact that she was obtaining some serious grass stains in the process.

Spike glanced down at his hands to see that the light was coming, not from the ring as he assumed, but rather from his skin. The second he stepped into the light, his pale skin had begun to shimmer like diamonds. He looked like a complete poofter. “Bloody hell!” he hissed, and disappeared into the shadows.

#buffyverse: buffy, length: 101-499, rating: g/pg, #buffyverse: spike

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