Pussy Knitting Shop For Post-Menopausal Hags is just my side enterprise; you'd be surprised, but Cleveland Street is really down on sales at the moment. It's probably because you haven't ripped somebody's large intestines out within the last week while banging one of my best bitches in the back door. Seriously, haven't seen you in a week. This is so disappointing. I have mouths to feed, you know.
What can I say? We're in a recession, bitch. Man's got to save money anyway he can, and right now clawing through someone's guts just isn't in the budget. Apply for welfare. You'll be in good company.
Alas, supply-side economics for the adult entertainment industry just isn't what it used to be. I'll have to do what we tricks do for welfare these days: Brooklyn.
SKIP: Although I notice that really, if you can get it foreign and for free like you evidently are, you shouldn't pay for it. Be a fucking shame.
Know of you? I'm a regular customer, sister. And here I thought you worked for some pussy knitting shop for post-menopausal hags.
Pussy Knitting Shop For Post-Menopausal Hags is just my side enterprise; you'd be surprised, but Cleveland Street is really down on sales at the moment. It's probably because you haven't ripped somebody's large intestines out within the last week while banging one of my best bitches in the back door. Seriously, haven't seen you in a week. This is so disappointing. I have mouths to feed, you know.
What can I say? We're in a recession, bitch. Man's got to save money anyway he can, and right now clawing through someone's guts just isn't in the budget. Apply for welfare. You'll be in good company.
Alas, supply-side economics for the adult entertainment industry just isn't what it used to be. I'll have to do what we tricks do for welfare these days: Brooklyn.
Although I notice that really, if you can get it foreign and for free like you evidently are, you shouldn't pay for it. Be a fucking shame.
Maybe you could broaden your horizons a little. Get a fucking amputee in there - some people like that shit.
Shit if it didn't come out of left fucking field. Just wanted some brownies.
Fuck, Sherlock, I think you're onto something. But I'm getting a little more ambitious here and thinking the goldmine of fetish fucks: midgets.
Dude, if she doesn't speak the language, you can probably tell her missionary's a fucking Dirty Sanchez.
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