i must be a fool, cause i sure dont fear you.

Mar 30, 2006 19:14

Shawn McDonald is such a freakin inspiration. You guys are probably sick of me talk about him but seriously, like no joke. This guy, not only can i relate to seriously every song he wrote, and not only did he make my Passion for God much more listening to him 5 hours straight on my way to vegas. But he is such a blessing to so many peoples lives. He has an A freakin MAZING testimony. The world should know about him. It is CRAZY for ME to see what God's doing in his life, and i dont even know him. He must really be dying happy knowing what he did in so many peoples lives, and for him to know that HE, REALLY lived his life, for Jesus. For him to know that he accomplished something, that he really lived for a reason. I mean yes dont be sad we all are living for a reason, but he.. he! Really touched peoples lives and to know that if he died right now. He could feel good about his life.

I sure dont feel like i did anything in my life to die now.

You guys probably dont even know who im talking about but, look him up.

By the way.. i didnt go to his concert.. and yes.. that was the biggest disappointment in my life so far. But im gonna see how far Santa Clarita is. I hate flakes. I WANT MY FREAKIN LICENSE. AND ME BEING THE IDIOT PROCRASTINATOR I AM IM NEVER GONNA GET IT. My friends are already driving with the driver guy! HI almost 16! I could have got it like 5 months ago!
I'm out.
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