it's already getting better, i know you'll never leave me

Mar 05, 2006 14:23

I think its time to update, i mean ive been thinking about it for quite a while.

So on to the math test.. being the person i am.. i didnt study after doing my homework, why, you didnt ask? Well i was just too tired.. yes, there goes my im gonna studu if it takes all night! Well i got to study in second period. And then came the test. Geuss what? I knew what was on the test! And geuss another what? I didnt even get to finish the test.. and i knew the other half of the test. I literally had about ten problems to go. I dont think i am meant to pass math.

On to the weekend that i couldnt wait for.. on friday we went to see R.C Sproul. dont know if you've heard of him. But the sermon was AYE-MAY-ZING. so amazing. I hope i can see him again one day beofre he dies.. and im being serious he might die sometime soon
(hope not) he had like a stroke recently and has just problems. But i really hope so.

Today - went to church and i go to John MacArthurs church dnt know if you've heard of him either, but he preached and it was also SO amazing. He was talking about like churches and stuff.. and one thing that he said was, " i dont want to know what you think God will do for me, i want to know about GOD" and thats exactly what i was telling brandon yesterday for the second that i talked to him. nd after we went to Mongolian, and it was amazing. And we talked about death today.. like war, how scary it would be to drown, if we were gonna get bombed from the sirens in the mall, etc.

And it is sunday afternoon. And soon is bible study.. i want starbucks.

PS. I am determined.. by this summer... i will have lost a good amount.
I say this everyday wand every year and every summer. But, i can. I will.

I hope.

I wanted to Get Dave barnes, but he was sold out at tower and best buy, and i wanted to check the mall, but SOME people were rushing to leave so i wasnt thinking.

I want to read more about God.

Mary OUT
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