i don't care if it's daggy, in fact i know it is: i really love my job.
halloween is a disaster every year (think: a child labeled "genius" by his parents changing into his costume too soon and a roomful of girls accidentally seeing him as a pant-less roman centurion. or: letting a seven year old pass out a tin of cupcakes loaded with neon orange icing; gross motor skills fail him and seventeen cupcakes fall, icing side down, upon a clean class floor) but i swear i live for this kind of mania. i live for how creative the kids are and how much i can pump up their enthusiasm for writing spooky recipes or figuring out haunted house logic puzzles.
i HATE dressing up, though. imagine my happiness when the other second grade teacher decided that we could slum it this year and make our costumes out of paper. when combined with all the other lower school teachers, i think we made a fine bowl of fruit.
the "grape" lady is my BOSS. i don't think i have to tell you that she is the funniest, most easy-going and nicest boss in the world.