Today Matt came over and we picked apples from the orchard in the back yard. I think I had fun? I'm so out of touch with kids my own age. Matt is 30 and married. I hang out with the older students these days. Usually, they are graduate students. The other day somebody told me that I'd make a good grandmother. What does that even mean? I hope it means I smell like old ladies and that I make the best apple pie EVER!
Can someone tell me a joke or make me laugh? Because I'm lonely. Sorry to be a Debby Downer. It's true though.
There's only so much studying one lady can do, and I've had enough of that. So... I'm drinking beer and listening to Lady Gaga. Yes. I said it. It's awful and I'm addicted to her. I learned how to play "
Poker Face" on my flute a few days ago. Maybe I'll go learn another tune.
Oh Covington.