Been a while.
Lots of work been happening recently which is good. Although I don't quite understand where all my money keep disappearing too as I'm not spending any of it on luxuries:)
Whitby was amazing. Not only did I get to spend a week with Victoria but Berlin black played an amazing set to open the event. In readable proud of everyone as I think we nailed it. The crowd was rather large(to think its only our 3rd gig with the current line up) and we sold out of CDs.
It was also great to see Victoria sing with the rhomebettes on sat night. She looked great on stage and did a really good job. It was fun to see everyone as always although it was a bit of a stressy weekend with all the gigging and girlfriend nerves hehe.
Luxury stranger played at my work last night. New drummer Tim rocked and I think we may have stole the show slightly hehe.
All in all a good couple of weeks. Although I really want more time with Victoria:) December seems like a long way off :/
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