...a bit belated actually. 8B
We had a tiny amount of snow here, just enough to make the landscape white, but it melted on Christmas Eve. :C Well, Christmas carols, gingerbread cookies, a beautiful christmas tree and "The Snowman" still created a wonderful Christmas spirit. ♥
- "The Black Knight & other stories" by Don Rosa. (The Black Knight is one of my favourites stories. :D)
- Edgar Allan Poe: all his production collected in one book. (WTF Dad? XD)
- "The Sandman: Endless Nights" (KYAA! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, big brother!)
- Kaari Utrio: "Bella Donna - Beauty ideals through the ages" (Wow, I didn't think that you'd actually buy that, mom. Thank you! ♥)
- a Benetton cardigan
- ...I don't know what are they called. XD A chandelier...-like thing but for just one candle and a gingerbread house. (THX MASTAH. <3 They're both so cuuuute, and the candlething matches the colours in my room very well! <3)
- a microphone, green tea and a beautiful pendant from my dear. ♥♥♥ And a super-über-cute and well-drawn card. ;3; (mm, anthros.)
- peach-scented shower gel and moisturizer
- a nightgown ('s so....small. 8x *hides*)
- Douglas Adams: "The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy" (YAYYYY thank you Suviiii. ♥)
And some other things I don't remember. THANK YOU, EVERYBODY.
I'm currently watching The Bleak House from TV. I like it quite much, as I normally like historical tv-shows or classic book adaptations, like The Pride and Prejudice. The characters are lovely (especially mr. Jarndyce, Esther and mr. Guppy) and the music is very pretty. And hit me, but I think that Mr Jarndyce and Esther would be a sweet couple. Although maybe it's just that I sympathize too much with mr. Jarndyce. :x
LAWL, I got such a slap in the face with one thing too. Since the first episode, I noticed that mr. Jardyce's actor was incredibly familiar! I beat my head against the wall and tried to remember, but I couldn't figure out anything else than that the guy had to be from Star Wars (or maybe LotR), otherways he wouldn't be THIS familiar.
Well, finally saw his name in the end titles. Denis Lawson.
....and yes, I STILL didn't remember who he was. XD
Only after I checked it on All movie guide, I was free to shoot myself for failing totally in the beautiful art of fangirlity. RED TWO STANDING BY, for godssake! I LIKE Wedge and I still couldn't remember his face/actor. Plus he's Ewan's uncle, so it's double-lose. :x
Well, he's grown up to a charismating elderly gentleman, I have to say. Like Harrison Ford and Sean Connery. :3