Gundam Wing recs (AKA the enjoyable list of yaoiness)

Dec 16, 2006 17:04

Heero's List by Kierane

*cracks up* That's sooo Heero... *rolls on the floor laughing her arse off*

Here it is:

Paring: 01 + 05 (Heero + Wufei), yes yes, yaoi it is...
Rating: pg-13 (or somewhat higher)
Status: complete, oneshot

And now that we decided to advertise...

Heero's Week by Asuka Kureru

Paring: 01+02+03+04+05 (though no actual paring, or couples around)

Heero + Duo + Trowa + Quatre + Wufei (pilots listed on the same order as their code names)

Story: Written for a 1x2x3x4x5 challenge. Quatre finds a way to fight off the stress that's threatening to pull their team apart.
Genre: yaoi, lemon = GAY SEX. Lotsa gay sex. Almost-but-not-quite-PWP. Humor, some vulgarity. Not a lot of romance, but friendship and lotsa male bonding. ;D That and lemons. Don't you dare whine at me if your momma caught you reading this; you were warned.
Rating: nc-17
Status: In progress.

Though I personally don't see how it is still in progress, seemed more or less complete to me... *rolls eyes*

The first few chaps:

And the next chaps in the listed order:

The sequel: The Ideal Arrangement by Mikkeneko

Story: The first day of Duo's week. (This was written before Heero's Week, but it happens in fact later, way later -- Duo is the last to go through it)
Genre: Yaoi, FIVESOME LEMON, PWP, humor.
Rating: nc-17
Status: complete


Equilibrium by Asuka Kureru

Story: Heero and Wufei need to come to terms with the different caused by their love for Duo.
Genre:Romance, lime (1x2x1, 5+2+5, 1?5?1), sap, some angst
Rating: nc-17

And its sequel:

Walking the Tightrope by Asuka Kureru
Story: Sequel to Equilibrium. The boys are now a coupl... trio.
Threesome. Ménage à trois. Whatever. Doesn't mean Heero and Wufei are cool about each other yet.
Genre: Yaoi (1x2x5 and diverse combinations) Romance, some sap, some angst, not that much action, lemony limes
Rating: nc-17
Status: Finished


Asuka Kureru's other stories can be found at: (Gundam Wing) (Kindom Hearts II, Fullmetal Alchemist, other)

Asuka Kureru's fanart here (gotta love her style): (Gundam Wing) (other fandoms) (original art)

17.12.2006 0:38

*cracks up totally*

Title: Espionage

Author: Kiarene
Pairings: 13 + 5 (Treize + Wufei)
Rating: R
Summary: Wufei breaks into an Oz base (in a dress). Trieze has sad pickup lines. Humor.

*rolls on the floor* Oh, God! ...Can't breath... Hurts! Bwua ha ha hah haa... ou ou... ha ha! *holds her tummy, and continues laughing*

fanart, manga/comic, internet, fanfiction, mainos, lista, anime, yaoi

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