Hey guys, long time no update. But I'm afraid it will likely reamain few and far between at least for the next week and a half. But first...
blue... Blue!.... BLUE!!!
WhiteCap was hardcore awesomeage. Intense hardcore awesomeage. It was, in fact, so figgn' amazing, I have to make up words for it! I met the bestest people, curled really well, surprisingly, stayed in a nice suite, with a great roomate, made some fantastic new friends, and learned one helluva lot. One friend in particular made me smile. A lot. Thank you Mr. Mike Adam for keeping me laughing, teaching me tons, being the biggest sweetheart in the world, making me cry (in a good way, duh) and being a great hugger. ;) You rock, Mike.
Mark (Nichols! Double raise take-out!), and Jamie (Korab! Super-soak me, Jamie) were also intensely amaze-tacular. I talked to them all... in fact, they both yelled at me... jokingly of course...
Mark - "Eyes on your own sheet!... I'm just kidding!"
*Mark has a squirt gun* "Hey, Mark? Does that have water in it?" *squirts me* "Sweet, can you do it again?" "Not if you ask for it!"
Jamie - "So where are you from?" "Truro, Nova Scotia." 'Really? I've been there, I have family there. An aunt, couple cousins, grandmother... Never been in the club, 'cause I come in the summer. But I've been across the street - at the funeral home."
*trying to take a picture with the 4 of us, and the 3 olympians*
Me - *to camera* "For fuck's sake! Turn on!" "ooooh. Someone wants to preform at dinner." "No, not really." "Okay. just don't swear too much in front of the little kids. That was kinda funny actaully." (see, if you did something wrong, or lost something and it was turned in, you had to preform at a meal, in front of everybody)
I was suffering majoy Post WhiteCap Depression, but I'm feeling way better about it now. The last day, Mike gave me a couple great hugs and said some sweet, sweet things and after he let go and told me to look him up when i was in NFLD, I started crying. I really didn't mean to, but it just happened. You know? And then when we watched the farewell video, I cried some more. And that night when i was at home in my own bed, I started sobbing for no good reason at all. So Emma, you and me, we'll follow 'em all over Canada. The Brier, Ford Worlds, on Tour, you name it.
L-R: Jamie, Erin, Emma, Mike, Cydney, Mark, Megan
Me and Emma looking exhaused on the drive home. (I won the sweater)
Alan and I... wait - how did that get in there?!
Awwww. Mike
Hehehe. Jamie with a squirt gun.
Cute. Mark
blue, Blue, BLUE
See. Good times had by all. And for those of you worried - there is absolutely no threat to Alan with anyone I met there.My baby is the most awesome, and I love him to friggn' death. And, I miss him. So. much. I've seen him like.. once in two and a half weeks and it's making me CRAZY. Though, I think he's coming over on Sunday, so w000000t. ilubaby.
Leaving for the US on Monday. Talk to yous when I get 30 seconds to myself.