Mar 07, 2006 19:57
Umm. Lunenburg was alright. We curled a good two and a half games, but then we kinda... went *caput* for the last game and a half. I don't know what happened; mostly tired, I think - as well as some lost resolve, I know I was really wanting to come home, which is unusual, I love going away. But then - usually I have other friends at our away places.
That's not true - there was a crowd of boys there, who I'm semi-amiable with. I realize I have some messed up feelings for Cameron. I used to like him. I definilty don't anymore, that's not it. He's everyone else's, if they want him. But seeing him made me really happy this weekend. I think a lot of it was saddness that we aren't nearly as close as we were last year - he was one of my best friends. I miss that. He also seemed really lonely all weekend, and I just wanted to hang out with that, I wanted him to have a good time. He tends to forget about everything but the sport, and that's too rough. I just wanted to be his best friend.
As for my Alan - awesome as usual. I'm not afraid any more. I'm not afraid to admit that I love him, anf that he makes me a lot happier than I've been in a long time. Like I told Jenny yesterday - and I didn't realize it till I said it - he's the greatest thing that's happened to me since I started curling. I've been curling for seven years, and nothing has impaced my life in such a way since. It's sick that it takes a boy, but it's also happy that it takes love. I've been addicted to him for almost a year now. Ater we suffer some losses, I usually need a pick-me-up. I was ecited to get back to school for mine. He's been spontainiously complimenting me, or contrqadicting negative things I say about myself. The other day he said something and he was afarid he'd said it wrong. "Oh, but you'd have corrected me," he said. "Yeah," said I, "because I'm annoying like that. I need to stop that." He just squeezed me and said, "Not even going there. You're not annoying, I love you." No one has made me this mushy. EVER.
What else to say, what else to say. BRAD GUSHUE IS GOLDEN. PANS on Friday/Saturday/Sundy/Monday. Congrats Emma! Caitlin is a bitch! Have a good trip Janet! Extra mega spectacular congrats, STINA! Math test on... OH SHIT. tomorrow.
Whew - I'm tired. Nighty night. *waves*