Take my hand, and we'll make it I swear, livin' on a prayer.

Jan 11, 2006 17:37

Yeeeeeeeess! We made it! One week! Woo hoo! <3 <3 <3!

Ahem... yes. So, obviously it's been a week since my last entry. And things are good, I guess. I suppose I'd know if they weren't. Everybody seems to ask "So, how are you and Alan?" Is there a right answer to that? Fine, I can't get enough of him.

It's been a newsworty week. And it's only Wednesday. I don't think my poor heart can take it.

I get my needles tomorrow. Eeeeek. I. Hate. Needles. Evertyone is trying to calm me down about them, and it's not going to be that bad, I know, but I still dislike them immensely. Alan's like, "Sweetie, it'll be fine, fiiiiiiiiine, they aren't that bad." I want to believe him, I really do. Sigh.

My newest objession: Jon Bon Jovi. I can't get enough of his stuff lately. "Woooah, you're a loaded gun. Woooaaaahhhh, there's no where to run, no one can save me, the damage is done! Shot through the heart and you're to blame, you give love a bad name!" "Hold on to what we've got, it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. We got each other, and that's a lot for love; we'll give it a shot! Ooooh, we're halfway there, ooohh, livin' on a prayer! Take my hand, we'll make it, I swear, oooh, livin' on a prayer."

Exams in a couple week, and my parents are already lecturing me on studying. I may scream. But my parents have been extra naggy recently. Uggg. Like, that I have my prorities wrong, because I'm curling a lot. Or soemthing.  Dance informance (exam/recital) coming up, too. She left preparations way too late. We should have started long ago. LONG ago. Crap.

Not much else to say. Got some new icons...
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