Jul 26, 2015 08:50
I went back to Ankeny for my mom's birthday and Colleen's baby shower. Dani, Mike, and I had a good time wandering the farmers market, too. For my mom's birthday, Josh, James, my mom, and I went to HuHot. Gweedo found us there later.
After a terrible pregnancy dream, I find myself wondering today if I'll be able to handle James having another girlfriend. I also wonder if seeing Josh and I together has any effect on how James feels. Wish it weren't like pulling teeth to get that guy to have an honest conversation.
I have one more week of trainings, then going to visit Meagan in Waco for a few days, and then school starts again. Right now, I'm dreading it. I should've taken more time off this summer. Watching Cody on Fridays was fun this past month. His birthday party is today! Nick and Tiffany came over last night to play Arkham. They're good people :)
Pregnancy continues! Week 18- where I supposedly have a bell-pepper baby. I've had a lot of anxiety, but it seems to be growing. I convinced myself the other day that Josh was cheating on me while at work late. Despite the fact that he continued to text me and I actually saw the truck he'd been waiting on. This paranoia has been about people breaking in, people talking about me at work, family not wanting me around, and now Josh working a couple hours of overtime.
Sarah had her little guy and seems to be doing well. I'll go see her tomorrow! We got the nursery all painted. Josh and I decided we're not going to find out what parts the baby has until I poop it out.