Oct 28, 2013 18:41
Report cards were due last Tuesday. As Tuesday came, I was looking forward to an "easy" rest of the week. At lunch time, Josh calls to tell me that the next day, they're providing Josh's dad with comfort care. Essentially, they'll put him to sleep. We rush out of Lincoln, drop Denver with Mom, and proceed on to Davenport. We get in a little after midnight. The next day, we drive up to the hospital and watch Josh's dad die- Jacob, Jenny, Aunt Alice, Josh, and Deb. It was sad. I hope to never watch someone die again. The following days were sad, too, but oh so draining. There were so many people. I know it was best for Roy because he had such a low quality of life toward the end, but it really made me think about the whole marriage thing. Do I really want to lose my husband someday? The thought was too real this last week. It made me appreciate Josh even more, though.
Today was hellish. We got in a little after midnight last night. I'm behind in papers, but I've had ZERO down time. I got a book idea, too. It could be good.