Feb 12, 2007 13:31
I was a bit drunk at the feast on Saturday night. I'd just like to apologise to all the girls I molested, spanked and threatened with my package. And to everyone at the feast for getting my tits out. Its amazing what a drunk Hannah will do to win King of Courtly Love!
I had one of those genuine "Oh my fucking God" moments on Sunday morning as I tried to piece together the events that led to my hangover. Never mind, it could have been worse, at least my trousers stayed on. I am consoled by the fact that I am probably the first person in the history of the Shire to have been both King and Queen of Courtly Love. Some people may remember how pissed I was the night of being crowned Queen, well that wasn't a patch on Saturday night!
No more, I think. I'll lay down the crown and bow out of the competition in future. Its not fair on the others :p
Lissa really is quite the fantastic kisser :)