I had a good weekend. Weekends are generally good but this one particularly so.
Rocksoc Halloween is a bit old news now but it truly rocked. For a Thursday the place was heaving, just think if we'd had the Saturday...Speaking of which, Kev poked his nose into Venue 1 on Saturday at 11ish and apparently there was hardly anyone there! FUCK YOU CHRIS MARKS. Even if it filled up a bit later I bet you Rocksoc made more money at the bar. We drank all the Tennants for fucks sake!
My costume was great and sexy. See
http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~rocksoc/photoshalloween2005.htm, I'm in the committee photos. I've now started worrying about my dress for the Ball. I realise it is precisely 5 months and 23 days away but I'm going to have to look fan-fucking-tastic and that takes planning.
Friday was spent mostly lounging about and making test batches of feast food. Having a lazy friday doesn't half make a difference to the length of your weekend, I spent most of Friday thinking it was saturday, saturday thinking it was sunday and then sunday came as a nicely surprising extra weekend day. 3 day weekends and 4 day weeks are the way to go. XM v Kaleb in Aikmans was good fun. Despite the obvious obstacles (missing singer, inexperienced substitute singer, basses going ping) the boys made a good job with the tools they had. Still sad they didn't play speakeasy though :( Kaleb rocked the house as usual. I hope they have a good time up north, it was great to see Adz and Aitchey again. I'm sure the afterparty was raucous to the extreme.
Saturday..."slept" late, food in the vic with Fluffy Graham, who randomly turned up intending to come to Halloween rocksoc without checking when it was on! I got one of his Lib Dem campaign flyers. hehe. Then much cooking of food for the feast. All got miraculously done on time, Jezz and Kev kindly cloved my fruit for me (sounds rude but isn't really. The rude bit is what you DO with the cloven fruit!) Feast was good despite diminished numbers. All the food was served quickly and eaten quickly to start with, slowing down towards the end. The clean up was fairly quick and much less painful than it has been for the last few feasts. I was the last one out and still managed to get a pint in!
Sunday (the unexpected extra weekend day) watched Monty Python's Holy Grail and realised that I've seen it so many times that its not really funny, its just fact! Resisted the almost incontrollable urge to quote along with the film (but allowed myself to sing the songs). It seemed strange to me that the other people were howling with laughter - as if what happened came as a surprise to them?! Thats what happens when you watch a film 3 times a day for several weeks. How is it that I no longer feel the need to do that, while my brother and I used to spend all our time doing it as children.
Don't read that sentence the wrong way. I have no sexual feelings towards my brother, despite the fact that numerous people have commented that my boyfriend looks like him.
After Shire I did maths, which is good, cos now I don't have to do as much work in the hour before the tutorial this afternoon. Then went to see Serenity which I enjoyed more than is humanly reasonable. I still haven't engrossed myself in the series, having only seen a couple of episodes all the way through, but I think having some knowledge of the world and the characters enabled me to get more out of the film. I love the characters, the screenplay, the story...it was all good. I did spend most of the film trying to work out which bit made Lissa cry though...
Then I saw a bit of "The best little whorehouse in texas" which was deliciously camp and very enjoyable. Then bed. And now its Monday.
Looking forward to going to Edinburgh on Friday. Got me posh hotel, got me cool Japanese restaurant, got me man - we shall eat tasty lard and get hammered!