24 PLUSH GA! (Info in my journal because the front page still had my post on it, and would forever.)

Jul 25, 2011 21:18

WE WOOOOON! But just by the hair of my abra, kadabra, alakamustache.
Someone tried to snipe us 5 seconds before the close time, but our max bid womped 'em on the nose! However, this means that there will be no discounts, and shipping will be divided among us.

An important head's up - I will be gone from July 30th - August 6th on vacation. If the items come by the 29th, I can get all but the international ones sent out. Otherwise, I greatly appreciate your patience; you do not want my mom to try and handle shipping things while I'm away XD

I broke the shipping cost (What was left that our bids didn't cover) into 29 parts. Why 29? One for each plush, and I broke the larger plush down into multiple parts.


Well, those TOMY, DX, Big UFO catchers, and possible 1:1s are HEAVY! So all were broken into 2 parts, aside from togepi, which I broke into 3. I've seen one of these IRL, and it is a HEAVY sucker.

+But wait, I don't want to pay that much!

Sorry, but rules is rules. I like to save you money as much, and most likely MORE than the next GA runner, but as stated in the GA rules,
" If one bidder's items are obviously much more bulky/heavy, you may charge them a slightly higher percentage of the shipping total (so someone who bought a Stone Groudon Statue isn't paying the same shipping as someone who bid on a Pidgey Feather)" I consider this to be super fair to the people purchasing smaller items, and I hope you understand.

We rose an awesome $189, with our final bid coming in at $187.50. That $1.50 left was put towards our shipping of $16.25, making each shipping "unit" worth $.51. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! If you haven't TL;DR'd by now, you may be confused or a little upset, and it's my job to help you feel like you've gotten a hug through all that.

Now, onto the real meat!
The spreadsheet!  
It is SUPER important that you put "24 Plush GA  -  (Your Username)  -  (The items you won)" in the memo or subject! This helps me sort through things a lot faster, and I get to keep from pulling out my hair and cursing at my screen.
That said, my PP is ThisUsernameFails@gmail.com
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