Beautiful Bum? ==''

Apr 29, 2007 20:45

Today at work I was just putting on the papers when a small crowd gathered behind me. Because they all stood facing me with their backs to the counter, I assumed that they had been waiting to get the paper so I hurried away as soon as I could. To my surprise, noone moved when I did. Puzzled, I stopped and looked at them enquiringly. An old man smiled at me and interpreting it as a friendly "morning", I smiled back. I was about to turn around again when he opened his mouth and said in sturdy Aussie accent, "We could see ya bum from back 'ere." Embarrassed that my super-conservative boss was listening and cursing myself for wearing my lowcut Playboy jeans, I murmured "sorry". He laughed loudly and added, "Don't apologise. I didn't mind it! It's BEA-U-U-U-TIFUL!"
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