march on, march on, march on,

Apr 08, 2007 14:16

okay ( Read more... )

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amooncame April 9 2007, 12:59:46 UTC
It seems like things like to break all at once...your cell phone decided he wanted to break (your cell phone is a he) when he became jealous that your computer broke and then your photograph taker decided she wanted to break because the other two had (your camera is a girl). Why would your electronics be jealous of your other electronics breaking? I have no idea but im looking into it...

I miss you! And I hope your work level subsides!

P.S. Also something cool that you might think is cool as well is that im reading a book about Vlad the Impaler (he liked to impale people and then put them all around his castle) and he is the basis of the Dracula that we know and love today. You may have already known that but I decided to tell you! Have a good day/night/morning!


tuesdayscoming April 9 2007, 21:27:13 UTC
I have a question Laceygupyp,

Is my computer a boy or girl? I'm just curious. Honestly, I believe all the electronics in my life have decided to strike me all at once to cripple my productivity and happiness. But no! I shall not let them prevail--I am strong, and do not need electricity to make me happy!!

wait..I need electricity to talk to you. ugh. (Not counting letters, which are great but I am notoriously bad at writing back with them)

Vlad the impaler sounds like a pretty unhappy guy. Why do you think he impaled people around his castle? Self-esteem issues? Possibly. Mommy and Daddy didn't love him enough? Perhaps. Either way, hearing about Vlad is the perfect start to a good day/night/morning, so thank you!

Have you been watching the office lately? There was a new episode last thursday, but I haven't seen it yet. My suitemate taped it for me though so I plan on watching it tonight. I hope Jim doesn't get murdered...!!!


amooncame April 11 2007, 19:34:16 UTC
Yay...electricity does not rule Wallking's life...Wallking rules Wallking's life!!!! We could also talk to eachother through brain waves...its fun and productive!!

I cannot comment on the sex of your computer until I exam it...there is a special technique (not exactly liked by the computer) to tell the sex. But by the sound of it...i'd put my money on a girl ;)!

Vlad does sound like a bad guy...and I do think Daddy didnt treat him right...which scarred him. He was supposed to be the first vampire (his nickname was Drakula or his dad's name was Drakula I cant remember) and so if your the first vampire you have to reek havoc on the world so you can become notorious...and thus giving a spooky name to the vampire race!

Oh my god...your going to love the new episode...the first 3 minutes are just completely perfect. This episode was probably the best all season! We must quote it in harmony when you watch it!


tuesdayscoming April 14 2007, 22:56:21 UTC
Brain waves are great methods of communication exept for their incredible slowness. I've sent thoughts to you before and they don't get to you until I start talking about them to you. It's pretty frustrating.

Good luck with determing my computer's sex. I wouldn't be surprised if it shocked you or did something crazy. I still have another week or so to wait for it. Exams are starting up soon and hopefully I'll make it out alive.

What would you do if you found out you were related to Vlad the Impaler? That'd be pretty messed up. I know I'm related to El Cid (wikipedia!!! and Queen Isabella.

I MISSED THE BEGINNING OF THE OFFICE!!! and I MISSED THE NEWEST EPISODE FROM LAST WEEK!!! ARGH. my suitemate recorded it but it didn't work very well and it turned off at the worst possible parts. Like when Pam is out eating with Roy. UGH. Oh well. I'll watch em, eventually. I hope. Did you like them?


wafflemixrain April 21 2007, 12:58:28 UTC
Good luck with your exams!!!! Im sure you will do marvelous!

That would be really scary if I was related to Vlad the Impaler, that is kind of what my book ended up being about. But I guess I wont check my ancestory so they if im related to some mean ruler than I will never know lol. And you are related to royalty! When will you be ascending to the thrown?

I missed last weeks office too!!!!!! Our power went out and so we didnt get it...I was so sad. And this week was a re-run!!!!!AHhhhhhhhhhhhh! I guess ill have to wait for the dvds to come out. But the week before last week was amazing...I wish you could have seen it! Do you want me to tell you what happened at the beginning? All the TV shows are going off soon...what will I do with my life....nothing!

So yesterday I locked my keys in my trunk and I had to wait at school for like 40 minutes for my mom to come and give me my spare keys lol...I felt so stupid, I was like "Lacey, seriously, your just completely stupid"....I said that to myself :)

I hope everything is going swell with


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