Nov 13, 2004 07:44
I'm thinking about leaving Taiwan...things aren't working out the way I had hoped, and I'm not sure how to adjust my expectations.
It's an awfully long way to come, just to give up.
I wanted to study, I wanted to be able to save a little money. But neither thing is happening, and I feel kind of trapped. I'm literally living paycheck to paycheck, so I can't afford to quit my shitty job until I find a new one. But the way visa stuff works here, it's hard for me to switch jobs without having to leave the country - which I can't afford. And I haven't had any luck finding a second job that fits with my existing work schedule. AH!
Plus, I miss my friends.
But! The worst thing of all is that if I leave, I will have to give up my internship at the paper. Which I LOVE.