Mar 12, 2005 13:36
it's funny how life can go as slow as a snail and the next thing you know, it's moving at the speed of light.
i'm only on the second book in my british lit course. i love reading, but this is a lot. in fact, i should probably be doing it right now instead of talking on here. whatever.
i'm hopefully going to savannah with my favorite guy in the world for spring break. exciting! his parents love me. :-D i really miss them. it should be a lot of fun. brock and i are gonna do something fun for our 6 month anneversiary. that's halfway to a year! it's seriously ridiculous to think that this september i will have been someone's girlfriend for a year. before brock, i had never been with anyone over a month! this is probably my first real relationship. and my last. :)
i hate money. don't you? i went in express the other day and I WANT THEIR CLOTHES!!! i want to wear more yellow. alas, their clothes are quite costly. should i use the money i have now to go buy clothes and work my butt off to have enough to get to savannah? being a girl is tough. the pressure to be beautiful and have things is ridiculous.
you know what? God is faithful. he really is! he is always working on our behalf. even right now.
thank you, God. i need you every second.