Dec 21, 2005 21:38
Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
(Warning these may be too wierd for some to handle)
1. I cant sleep in a "made" bed, it has to be all messy with pillows everywhere
2. I also like to sleep upside down, I like sleeping with my head where most people keep their feet
3. I cant write with black ink... Blue is my fav. but aslong as it isnt black i'm good
4. I have to listen to Queens of the stoneage everymorning on the way to work or i have a cranky day
5. I have to have an odd number of tattoos, i fear having an even number so when i go get them i have to get an even number of them at a time... soon i will be geting numbers 4 and 5
TAGS: brigrgvsu, gaboi74, nancy_spungen20, jakesroom, everlaughingone,