Well I got this from
moondropz and I figured why not right? I mean I'm new, might as well put a survey out there and let people know a little more about me. I promise I'm sane people! haha.
-----------• × • A L L | A B O U T | M E • × •--------------
- Name: Deavon
- Single or taken: Single.
- Gender: Female.
- Birthday: May 20th
- Sign: Tarus
- Hair colour: Brown with some blondish streaks in it (completely natural I swear! I refuse to dye my hair.)
- Eye colour: Greeeen
- Height: 5'3
- Gay/Straight/Bisexual: Straight
-----------• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •--------------
- Favourite place to shop for clothes?: Walmart usually, or Kmart of Catos.
- Favourite designer?: I don't pay attention to designers. Lol.
- What is your sexiest outfit?: Black polo with white poka dots, leggings, and wedges. Oh yeah baby.
- What is your most comfortable outfit?: What I call my Kelly Clarkson pants, and my fav AC/DC t-shirt.
- What do you usually wear?: A cardboard box… *eye roll*
--------------• × • S P E C I F I C S • × • -------------------
- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal essences, it’s the only shampoo that will get my oil vat for hair clean.
- What are you listening to right now?: AC/DC. ^_^
- Who is the last person that called you?: My grandmother.
-------------• × • F A V O U R I T E S • × •-----------------
- Food: Chineseeeeeee. Yummy.
- Girls' names: I like Peyton, and December for girls names.
- Boys' names: Sam, so I can call him SAMMY. And Jensen, cause I mean HELLO.
- Subjects in school: Uhm… none? Lol. I dunno I enjoyed Speech I guess.
- Animals: Dolphins, and dogs.
----------------• × • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • × •-------------
- Given anyone a bath?: My dog?
- Smoked?: Ick. Nooo.
- Bungee jumped?: Oh heck no! I don't have a death wish dude.
- Made yourself throw up?: Not that I remember.
- Skinny dipped?: Dean hasn't asked me to go with him yet….
- Ever been in love?: Not the real kind. I mean you can't really be IN live with a TV Character.
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No, I can't fake cry.
- Pictured your crush naked?: Not the one in real life.. TV one… sure.. I mean…if you can get threw the 50 billion layers.. It's much easier when we get the blessing of a single layer thought, which is rare but it makes them more special. XD
- Actually seen your crush naked?: Nope.
- Cried when someone died?: Yes I did.
- Lied: Of course, everyone has.
- Fallen for your best friend?: He wasn't my BEST friend.
- Rejected someone?: Yes I did. Should have never done it..
- Used someone?: No.
- Done something you regret?: Of course. Everyone has.
------------• × • C U R R E N T • × •--------------
- Clothes: Wearing them?
- Desktop picture: Wallpaper of Dean pulling his shirt off/shirtless. Someone made it for my birthday and tis is awesome.
- CD in player: I don't listen to CDS anymore.. Itunes is love. <33
- DVD in player: Nothing is in there right now. Lol. I always take them out…
----------------• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •----------------------
- You touched: My mom.
- Hugged: My mom.
- You IMed: Johnnnnnn!
- Talked to online: John. Lol
- Sexed it up with: No one. I don't think Dean makes house calls. Lol.
---------------• × • A R E | Y O U • × •---------------------
- Understanding: Yeah, most of the time. I'm slow so things don't sink in right away, but they get there!
- Open-minded: Try to be.
- Arrogant: A little bit. But not in a way that people can't stand to be around me you know?
- Insecure?: Absolutely.
- Random?: Why yes I ammm.
- Hungry: Actually yes I am. But I'm waiting for breakfast in a few hours so I'm not gonna eat anything right now.
- Smart: Ish. Lol. I wouldn't' say I'm smart, everyone else thinks I am though.
- Moody: *Looks at the monthly calender* *Emo* all the way...
- Organized: Somewhat. I guess it's according to what day you catch me on.
- Shy: I really use to be, not as much so now though. Lol.
- Difficult: Sometimes. I'm a stubborn person so..
- Bored easily: Not really. I get lost in my own thoughts easily.
- Obsessed: I wouldn't say I was obsessed… just… really really fond of maybe? Lol. I mean if I was obsessed then I could be medicated right? I don't want to be medicated! I'm a happy fan girl!
- Angry: Just annoyed.
- Sad: I wouldn't say SAD… just…BLUH?
- Happy: I've been happier, but I'm pretty content on the happiness factor I guess.
- Hyper: oddly… yes.. Which is kinda freaky cause earlier I was ready to pass out and now it's just like "WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"
- Trusting: I completely trust a total of 3 people, only because they are the only ones that have never screwed me over some way or another… so I guess you can say I got some trust issues.
---------• × • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • × •--------
- Kill?: Kripke? Lol. He know he owns fan girls and he ABUSISES it!
- Slap?: My dad?
- Get really wasted with? Amelia, only we get wasted on Pepsi to avoid the hangover. Lol. Is it the third week in June yet? I mean seriously.
- Get high: Oh caffinee? ABSOLUTELY!
- Talk to offline: Amelia. I misses herrrrrr.
- Talk to online: Ashley and John.
- Sex it up with: DEAN. I mean, really, I didn't even have to think about that one…
------------------• × • R A N D O M • × •---------------------
- In the morning I: Am going to bed after I eat breakfast? Lol. I'm weird.
- Love is: Hard to find.
- I dream about: Dean pulling up into my driveway in that beautiful impala and riding me off into the sunset. ….what? Prince Charming is SO overrated!
- Sexual preference: Dean Winchester. *nod* He is perfection is ever there was such.
- What do you notice first in the gender you're into: Hair.
---------------• × • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • × ---------------
- Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
- Flowers or candy: Flowers, they smell good. ^_^
- Tall or short: Short is nice.. Just as long as they're not shorter than me? Is that is possible? Lol.
---------------• × • W H O • × • ---------------
- Makes you laugh the most: Amelia. She's crazy!
- Makes you smile: Amelia.
- Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Jensen Ackles! I don’t even have to see him, I can just hear him and get all weak in the knees. The man is LETHAL.
--------------• × • D O | Y O U | E V E R • × •-----------------
- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Actually… yes. More than once.
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Nah. Girls have it good, I wouldn't want to lose that. LOL.
- Wish you were younger: I wish I could go back to when I was younger sometimes, but 17 aint so bad.
- Cry because someone said something to you?: Yeah. My mom use to upset me a lot. And my dad still does.
-----------• × • N U M B E R • × •--------------
- Of times I have had my heart broken: Once that I can really recall. Still not completely over it.
- Of guys I've kissed: 0
- Of girls I've kissed: 0
- Of CDs I own: I'm sure I've busted the 100 mark by now.
- Of scars on my body: 4 that I can remember. Lol.