V-Day Exchange and Fic Links

Feb 14, 2008 04:37

Usually the linking goes the other way around when it comes to manicjoy and everysecondtues, but because there's inclusion of fan art and other things, I'm hosting my (shamelessly stolen from anna_luna) Valentine's Day exchange on everysecondtues.

The full rules and such are listed in the actual entry, but the basics is a like for like exchange, so if you'd like to trade fan-fic, fan-art, or so on (and we can work fic for art or art for fic if you don't draw/write), please come join me.


And I'm still working on fic. I think a lot of things in many different fandoms may be finished at once. Or not. Both Sweet Charity buyers are allowing me to share, so expect a Naruto fic and one from Doctor Who at some point in the coming couple months. I'm also working on fic for Hot Fuzz, SPN, HP, and more.

I did a slight fic tease on everysecondtues a while back with snippets from some of the works in progress.

Also, I wrote something for Hikago for the "fox" short-fic prompt at hng_prompts. It's short, Hikaru/Akira, and mostly fluff.

Stones, Foxes, and Fights, Oh My:
Touya Akira was a stone fox, thought Hikaru, staring unabashedly at Touya's ass.


Happy Valentine's Day!


discworld, hikaru/akira, hikaru, hikago, femslash, v-day, hp, naruto (fandom), exchange, het, hng_prompts, fic tease, sweet charity, slash, akira, hot fuzz

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