Feb 02, 2009 08:00
Because I'm waiting for 'Twilight' to load, these are 25 random facts about me. (from Fb.)
1. I love any inedible stuff that are green.
2. I don't like any edible stuff that are dark-coloured because it stains teeth.
3. My favourite drink is the tea bag green tea.
4. CHANCE and Chua are my pillars in life.
5. I wish I had 7 piercings but it goes against my belief. Sort of.
6. First impression that people have of me is aloofness.
7. I hate smiling because you never know if the other person will smile back.
8. One eyelid has a single fold and the other has 2.
9. I do tons of random stuff.
10. I like to do stuff which I don't normally do. For fun and sort of as a challenge. (Like B___________ and reading dark books, which I really can't stand.)
11. By nature, I'm incredibly lazy and really can't be bothered with what others (save for friends) think.
12. I like Math because all you have to do is practise.
13. If someone says that I can't do something, I will make myself be able do it. (That is, if it is legal.)
14. I like spending lazy afternoons with friends; walking, chatting, drinking, eating blah blah blah.
15. I fuss way too much over my hair. Haha.
16. I don't believe in watching movies and sightseeing.
17. I like making stuff but most of the time, I'm too much of a sloth to be bothered to.
18. I hate having nothing to do.
19. I take a really long time to sleep. That's why I do all my messaging near/ at/ past midnight.
20. I hate the cold.
21. I like steaming milk and making pretty foam.
22. I had ambitions of becoming a Barbie doll, teacher, actress, tofu-maker (after eating green tea and mango tofu-s), missionary, dermatologist, web-designer, fashion merchandiser, hairstylist, make-up artist, accountant, statistician, lecturer, hotel manager and actuary. I haven't got any idea what I want to be now.
23. I try not to regret the things which I have done. And I try to do things which I will not regret.
24. When I have decided on something (after 1043240214932 years of deliberation), I will stick to it. No matter how stupid it is or what others say.
25. I cannot stand the thought of sharing my life with anybody. I don't believe in (that sort of) love. Unless the guy happens to be Edward Cullen. Haha.