May 16, 2004 21:34
i had a really good weekend. it almost felt like i wasn't grounded.
it consisted of:
funny sexual conversations between my favorite redhead and a robot.
a boy being far too loud in front of a boy i used to stalk. this boy (as in one i had a minor obsession with) later talking to me and i winning the award for best awkward teenager ever. i so rule.
an old camera's flash button.
and my favorite hobbit, pie, and driving around longview.
on a side note tomorrow night is theatre banquet. i am NOT excited. nope not really. though i get to go with hobbit and miss coon. that will be good. i hope. i should plan what to wear... later. yes. later.
also, apparently that really cool song "l-l-l-lola" is about a transvestite. because that line "boys will be girls and girls will be boys" is for serious. and "i'm so glad i'm a man as is my lola" is not about him being a man. but more lola. why is it everyone knew this but me? feel free to tell me more obvious things about songs. because chances are i know nothing.